For your Edification

Letters of the Alphabet

Put together make a word

Amazing . . . we were taught this

But in these days, it’s absurd


Now youngsters get just lazy

They say what is for T

It has an E and A with it

Now it’s annoying me


Like Tx’s ... why not just say Thanks

I.L.Y ...yes I know (I love you)

I’m M.M.O.B ... (Minding my own business)

As I watch the daisies grow.


Now 55555 I did not know

Was crying your eyes out

Apparently, it’s Mandarin style

Well what’s that all about


I’m L.M.B.A.O. (Laughing my bloody arse off)

I’m hoping I’m making you smile

I’ll B.B.S or B.R.B (Be back soon. Be right back)

Or be back in a while


Oh B.T.W. . . I’ll C.U.S (By the way . . . See you soon )

Let’s have a 1.2.1. (One to one)

It’s great A.F.A.I.K. (As far as I know)

T.B.H . . . this is fun. (To be honest)


Now you can A.M.A (Ask me anything)

Or google if you don’t know

F.W.I.W. . . . we’ll sort it out (For what it’s worth)

Or just go with flow.


Some words are hard to write down

So, we write the dreaded C

We all know what the meaning is

And sympathise with thee


I do dislike the F word

Said or written down

But I’m in the minoring

So, I’ll close my ears and frown.

I said it once in front of Dad

The worse thing I could do

So always brings back memories

But I bet Dad used it too.


Now I’ve put all this together

It’s been a lot of fun

It’s L.O.L. Or Lots of love (Laugh out loud)

Y.W. Everyone. (Your welcome)


OXOX .... apparently means hugs & kisses.

Contributed by Barbara Bruno, from a British friend.

Art by Hart

There was always plenty of blame over who led who into the stinging nettles

Magda was confident the co-op board would approve of her shoes

Believing that "I'm sorry” was a good pickup line, May swam right into Ted on purpose

Maisie was a world class mold whisperer

Art and photographs provided by Jane Hart

This Week's Special Days

March 13: National Napping Day (always the day after Daylight Savings Time begins)

March 14: Pi Day—The Day We Celebrate All Things 3.14159265 (or pi )

March 15: The Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March!

March 16: Everything You Do Is Right Day

Just for Today

March 17: St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

March 18: National Awkward Moment Day

Just fill in the blank . . . we’ve all had ‘em

March 19: Let’s Laugh Day

Art by Hart

The Goldilocks home invasion left Baby Bear with significant trauma.

The whole family doted on Dorothy Grace.

Nan was wary of the new house special: Tick Tacos.

Poor little Wilson had had a dream about a cat.

First it was plastic in the ocean. Now selfies and graffiti in outer space.

Art and photos by Jane Hart

Around and About Inside Kendal

Liz Laite’s Memory Quilt, made by her mother, hangs in her apartment, nearly floor-to-ceiling. Want to see it in person? Good news: it’s available for viewing by appointment. Just send Liz an email or give her a call (for email or telephone number, check the Directory).

Photo by Art Brady

Kendal Artists at Work: Paul Jeffries Class Begins: Learn by doing — and by watching

Paul Jeffries (in the dark blue shirt) makes learning new techniques interesting — and fun.

Photos by Carolyn Reiss

Art by Hart

The Grissles' meet-cute love affair began when the reptile day-care mixed up little Angie and Fred

Burney was the only one at the office still wearing a mask

Sci-Fi had always been Austin’s favorite genre

Carlton’s flea circus unionized, exterminating profits—and then some

The Sleepy Hollow elite apple-bobbing team held practices throughout the year

Art and photos by Jane Hart

KoH Becomes Part of Westchester History

Patrick Raftery, WCHS Assistant Director and Librarian, accepts two of many boxes of materials for the KoH collection at WCHS, from Archive Committee members Gretchen Engler, Fran Kelly, and Edward Kasinec.

On September 2022, the Residents Council approved KoH becoming a full Corporate Patron of the Westchester County Historical Society (WCHS). Since that time, the Archives Committee has prepared and relocated 6 linear feet of KoH founding/historical documents and a map cabinet to WCHS where they will be properly stored and available to qualified researchers. For more information, see the Kendal on Hudson Residents Association Annual Report 2022, pages 10-11. Copies are included in the KoH library’s collection.

Photo by Art Brady