Kendal residents are generous, providing time, sympathy and understanding to one another and those beyond Kendal, often informally and sometimes through organized programs, activities, and contributions.
The Welcoming Committee aims to make the move to Kendal on Hudson as smooth as possible for new residents. One new resident said recently, "People here make it so easy to talk with them."
The Co-Pilot Program is designed to provide assistance and moral support to any Independent Living Resident who needs to be transported to Phelps Memorial Hospital in the event of an emergency.
The Health and Wellness Committee is concerned with the needs of residents in these areas.
The Tuesday Morning Club was organized to help people with varying forms of dementia.
Cats created by Tues. AM Group
Name Tags for Tues. AM participants and volunteers
There are several support groups for people facing various challenges. The Loss Committee formed a Support Group for Caregivers and one for Parents and Grandparents of Special Needs Children.
Other residents volunteer in local organizations, including doing workshops at the county jail in Valhalla.
Each February, residents are asked to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Kendal on Hudson Residents Association Annual Appeal to support the work of the Council and its various committees. A generous portion of the Annual Appeal donations supports local non-profit organizations that have special meaning to Kendal residents and to deserving groups that serve the local community. See the KOH Resident’s Association’s Annual Report for a list of organizations that are supported.
The residents association also contributed and installed a half dozen teak wood benches in Rockwood Park for the benefit of everyone who uses the park.
One of a number of teak benches Kendal contributed to Rockwood Hall Park.
Several faith communities have religious services on the premises. See Spotlight for times and places.
“There is respect here for persons of all religious faiths as well as for those who are not religious.” (Kendal resident)
Last edited 03/29/21