Kendal on Hudson: Commons Refresh


Well, nothing unfamiliar here with folks at Kendal: over time things began to sag a little, wear out a little, need a brush up/clean up/repair. Thus it is with Kendal, particularly with:

  • Updating Kitchen, Gathering Room, & Dining Areas

  • Access to the Terrace

  • Technology

  • Interior Finishes and Lighting

So, why the Refresh Project?

  • To Stay Competitive in the Market

  • To Address an Aging Physical Plant

  • To Enrich Life-Style & Living Conditions

  • To Offer New Options for Dining

  • To Advance energy, sustainability and wellness efforts


The Commons Refresh Project is made up of three initial components:

  • Market Study

  • Facility Assessment

  • Financing

Market Study

The project kicked off in 2019 with a market study. Demographics showed that there was growing demand in the market. A good thing. At the same time, competition was growing. A troubling thing.

And then came 2020 and The Pandemic. Life— and the Refresh Project — went on hold.

In 2021, as the world began to open up, internal focus-group activities began, both through questionnaires and meetings. Two basics were studied: what did you like, what didn’t you like?

Facility Assessment

As the project was starting a Director of Facilities arrived at Kendal: Bob Michaels. His role in the Refresh Project was to evaluate KoH’s infrastructure: where are we and what is needed immediately.


Jean Eccelston arrived in 2018 as KoH’s CFO. She had extensive experience with building and renovating retirement communities.