Staff Appreciation Fund Drive

In order to show appreciation for the work all our staff members do to make Kendal the great place it is, we want to say "Thank you' in a fitting manner. Twice a year a collection is undertaken for the Staff Appreciation Fund. We ask all residents to contribute so that each of our wonderful staff members will receive a check on your behalf in proportion to the hours that each works.

The suggested gift amount is $150 per person ($300 per couple) . Because of the smaller number of residents (soon to be expanded) we hope you'll consider a modest rise in that amount. 
Questions? Dot Bone and Stefan Kanfer are chairing the drive and thank you in advance for your generosity.

See the April 25 edition of Spotlight for more details.  


Sunnyside: Kendal Memory Support Unit Opens

Kendal on Hudson’s Memory Support Unit; Sunnyside has opened and is fully functioning. Under the supervision of KoH’s Director of Social Work, Stacey Conway, the first 5 residents moved in on March 28th.

Sunnyside has a home-like atmosphere with comfortable sitting areas convenient to the unit’s 13 rooms. Meals are served in a dining area and there is access to private outdoor grounds that will be available to the residents when the weather is warm enough for them to be outside.

The living room common area offers a genuine non-institution feeling with TV’s and game tables. In order to maintain that feeling, only appropriate staff and relatives of the residents will have regular access. The visitation of others will be on a planned and individual basis.

By virtue of excellent planning, Sunnyside residents already are enjoying a full program of entertainment (singing, story-telling, etc.) as well as movies and visits from kindergarten plus 1st & 2nd grade youngsters who attend local schools.

All in all it’s a great addition to Kendal’s goal of be being sensitive to all elements of its aging community.     

Co-Pilots Needed

You don’t have to be certified by the FAA to be a Kendal Co-Pilot. All that is needed is a sympathetic personality and a willingness to be on call for one 8-hour period per month to accompany a fellow resident if that person has to go to Phelps Hospital and has no family or friend at that moment to be with them.

For further details check with Katherine Sinclair and/or the April 11 edition of Spotlight.

Kendal Chorus Web Page


Interested in beautiful choral music? Kendal certainly is. In fact the Kendal Chorus now has its own page with pictures and text on the resident website. Click on Council  & CMMS, then on Activity Committees. A list of all the resident committees will appear. Click on "Chorus" and there it is. 

Puzzles at the Library

Are you puzzled by what to do with some of your spare time? How about coming to the Library and stretching your mind a bit by working on a crossword puzzle. Behind the long library table (near the windowsill) you’ll find puzzles, pencils and good lighting. The Library in open 24/7 so If you’re a 3:00 AM puzzler (or any time) give it a try.  

Residents Passover Seder


The Resident's Passover Seder 2016 will be held in the Private Dining Room on April 22 @ 5:30 PM

Organized by Robert M. Sanders, you can find further information by clicking on Spotlight. We recommend signing up ASAP as there is a limit to the number that the PDR can hold. 

The Resident's Website Committee wishes you all a "Sweet Passover".