Photos from the Project Renew Celebration

Project Renew was a two year construction undertaking to build a memory unit and upgrade our physical plant.  Residents lived with many related inconveniences to maintain Kendal on Hudson as a top of the line facility.  At the completion of the project Kendal’s Executive Director, Pat Doyle, treated everyone to a champagne reception. 

Click on the photo below to see the next ones. 

Did You See?

One of the more interesting sections of the Kendal Residents Website is the one entitled
Did You See?

It has nothing to do with looking across the Hudson at one of the great Kendal sunsets. Rather, it is a collection of magazine and newspaper articles selected by our own Webmaster, Caroline Persell for general perusing.

The topics are varied and always interesting. One of the current ones deals with reading books as a key to longer life. A second looks into the problems of poor white Americans. A third makes the case for larger government and increased taxes (Talk about provocative topics!)

Accessing Caroline’s reading choices is easy. Merely go to the INFO heading, click on it and scroll down.

Do it and you’ll wow your fellow diners in the Bistro with your wide range of newly acquired knowledge.

October Kendal Photo Exhibit

Catherine Trapasso advised us that all Kendal photographers should begin to select their photographs for the forthcoming photo exhibit, titled “The Open Lens”. The opening reception for this exhibit will take place on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 on the Rue des Artistes.

Photographers may submit up to five 8x10 or larger photos with or without matting.  Each photo should have the photographer's name, its title, and any pertinent information on the back.

Selections should be delivered to the Art Room (near the Robert Fulton bridge) on Monday, August 29 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and  on Tuesday, August 30, between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.  The final selections for admission to the exhibit will be made by the Art Committee.

Photographers may then pick up their own photos on September 2, 2016 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in order to prepare them for hanging.  All photos selected need to be framed and wired for hanging.  Contact Bert Pepper for suggestions on framing. 

If there are any further questions, contact the following curators:

Gisa Indenbaum           Suzanne Sadler 

Martin Smolin             Bert Pepper     Anne White  


Website Committee Offerings

The Website Committee has two “offerings” that might interest you

To jog your memory:

1. The Website Committee announced a “Brief Video Contest”

2. Offered an opportunity to anyone who wants to write on the KOH Residents Website

The rules for the Video Contest can be found in the July 18 edition of Spotlight.

The offer to write in the Website can be found in the August 8 edition of Spotlight.

To access both, while on the website’s opening page, look for INFO. Click on it.

Under INFO you’ll find Spotlight Newsletter. Click on it

Look for the appropriate date (July 18 or August 8) and click on it.

It’s not difficult Try it and then join up.

Lyndhurst Crafts Fair

The Trips Committee is offering a new excursion to the Lyndhurst Crafts Fair

It is scheduled for Friday, Sept 16. Time to be announced.

The Fair has offerings from 300 craft artists. clay, wood, glass plus mixed media, photography, paintings and furniture will be exhibited. In addition there will be food and live music available.

It should be a lot of fun. Sign up in the usual place.

And, while you're at it, there is still room for the trip to The Guggenheim on Wednesday, August 31. 

Coffee Klatch

If you're interested in health and wellness issues (especially those concerning yourself) you'll want to attend the next Coffee Klatch which is coming up on Wednesday, April 24 at 10:00 AM. (Administration Conference Room on the C Level near the Robert Fulton Bridge.

These get-togethers are sponsored by the Health & Wellness Committee headed by Dot Bone

The April 24 meeting will feature a presentation by Patty Munson, the director of the Residents Care Center. 

Coffee and morning snacks are available. 


While this current news item deals with the volunteering of a new resident, Anne White, to become part of the Night Co-Pilot Committee, the greater story is that the Kendal Co-Pilot program is need of more such volunteers.

By the way, if you're thinking of full throttles and liftoffs, you're on the wrong runway. Kendal is not in the airline business. 

The Kendal program calls on volunteers to accompany fellow residents to the hospital emergency unit when there is no relative or friend to go along with them. Since emergencies do not follow a set time-table, the call may come at any time night or day.

Volunteers choose a time slot to "be on duty". When an emergency occurs they are called and accompany the afflicted person.

What greater personal sign of general commitment and service can there be than "holding the hand" of a fellow resident at such a critical moment?

Nighttime co-ordinators Peter Davies and Norman Sissman and daytime coordinator (and program founder), Katherine Sinclair all welcome Anne White as a co-pilot. 

Many more volunteers are needed. How about you?

Harriet Barnett

The entire Kendal on Hudson community is delighted that our former Residents Council Chairperson Harriet Barnett has been appointed to the NY State Continuing Care Retirement Council by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The appointment came after Senate confirmation for a 3 year term. 

What is the Council?

The CCRC Council of NYS provides oversight of CCRC's (of which Kendal is one) in New York State with oversight of health and nursing care residing with the Dept. of Health and primary oversight of the financial aspects of a CCRC residing with the Dept. of Insurance.

We could not wish for a better person to represent our interests and those of others residing in CCRC's throughout New York State.

Fall Courses & Concerts

Before we turn around the leaves will begin to develop their beautiful coloring and fall will be upon us.

The Kendal fall course schedule is likewise developing with the following already on the drawing board:

Marcy Freedman, Art Historian
Women Artists of the 20th Century
Sept. 13 (1:30 - 3:00 PM
Who's Afraid of Abstract Art?
Sept. 27 (1:30 - 3:00 PM
Photography Enlarged
$25.00 for both sessions

Oct. 4, 11, 18, & 25     Jean Marc Oppenheim
Middle East (Exact title to be announced later)

Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22     Marjorie Miller
China's Role in Our World

In addition the following concerts are scheduled:

Sun., Aug. 14, 3:00 PM    Richard Rachlin
Pianist, Rodgers & hammerstein Program

Fri, Sept. 2, 7:30 PM      Soheil Nasseri
Classical Pianist

Sat. Sept. 10, 2:15 PM     
Charter Choir of Homerton College, Cambridge England

Faith Discussion Group

One of the most interesting Kendal discussion groups is the one simply called “Faith”. The group (open to all) is made up of many Kendalites of various religious persuasions (including some dedicated atheists plus others) who come together to discuss the problems of the world from their own perspective with faith (as each sees it) as a focus. This wide open sharing of thoughts and experiences is led by Kendal resident Rev. Ariel Verdesi, a Presbyterian Minister, who does not allow his own background in any way to impose upon the free expression of the participants. Actually, quite the contrary! He deftly encourages all to express what’s on their minds in what always winds up in an interesting and insightful hour.

The Faith group meets faithfully every Thursday morning at 10 AM in the Private Dining Room.