Phelps Hospital Offers Free Programs for Seniors

You can see the December schedule of their events by clicking here.  Kendal residents are most welcome to attend.  It tells on the schedule how to register for any event by phone or email.  If you need a map of the Phelps campus to find the meeting place, click here.   This month's programs include Mind Games, an Osteoporosis Program, an Alzheimer's Support Group, and a Holiday Party.  For more information on the events, click on the calendar above and click here.

Great Decisions Program

The 2017 Great Decisions Program (Foreign Policy Discussion Group) is being readied. Sign up is already underway. John Sorice who is chairing the program advises that all interested in U.S. foreign policy sign up by Dec. 1st. The sign-up forms are located on the shelf in the side entrance to the Gathering Room, opposite the Computer Room. 

Foreign Policy topics for 2017 include: The Future of Europe; Trade & Politics; Conflict in the South China Sea; Saudi Arabia in Transition; U.S. Foreign Policy and Petroleum; Latin American Politics; Future of Afghanistan and Pakistan; and Nuclear Security. 

There is a $25 fee for the GD booklet. Please leave a check along with your sign up form in John Sorice's cubby

This stellar program is usually over-subscribed so sign up ASAP.



The planning for Kendal's New Year's Eve Spectacular is moving ahead spectacularly. 

A great show plus a Champagne reception are planned plus a sing-along of  old-time songs so everyone can join in. (For this group the old-time songs have to be pretty old). In addition there will be skits and special features. This event will be a definite WOW!

Event producer Muriel Fox has arranged for the glittering New Year Ball to fall at "Kendal Midnight" (9:00 PM) 

Residents are requested to bring d'oeuvres, wine or make a donation of $5 or $10 to cover the cost of the reshments & decorations.

Checks should be placed in an envelope in the cubby of Joe/Sally Costa. 

There is an unconfirmed rumor that the TV companies are planning to cancel their Times Square programs and bring their cameras to Kendal. We'll follow up on that.

TV or not it will be a special occasion!



A call has gone out for all fiber artists, knitters, quilters, crocheters, embroiderers, needle pointers, and rug hookers to rally at the Craft Room on Friday, Dec. 2 from 2-4 PM to share talent and expertise with like-minded Kendal Residents.

The fiber arts have renewed life at Kendal. Join in!


If you feel yourself to be a King or a Queen, you might want to put that feeling to good use by joining the Chess Club.

It meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons in Don Eder's apartment from 3:00 to 4:00 PM

Even if you don't have pieces or a board and are rusty, both will be taken care of. They have equipment and encouragement. 

Just show up at the Eder apartment on November 16 at 3:00 PM You'll checkmate your chess insecurity.

Questions? Get in touch with Don


Muriel Fox, Kendal's answer to Billy Rose, is already gearing up for the KOH New Year's Eve Extravaganza. 

If you have any kind of talent at all - skit writing, singing, dancing, juggling (objects, not Bistro dinner appointments), or anything else, please get in touch with Muriel.

The show will have songs by the Kendal Singers and skits by the Kendal Players.

As the New Year is about to come in we'll have a Residents Lounge party right after the show. 

If you would like to help with refreshments and decorations, please contact reception chairs Sally & Joe Costa.