The Trips Committee Goes Nautical

Our super-active Trips Committee, under the able direction of its chair, Jan Myers, has announced a 2 3/4 hour Hudson River Cruise on Thursday, June 22.

The cruising will take place on the 30-passenger Evening Star. It will wend its way north from Peekskill through the scenic Hudson Highlands to West Point and back. Those signing up should bring a lunch to eat on board. Drinks will be available. 

More details are available from Captain Jan.

Also...don't forget these other trips:

Wed. May 31 Asia Society, New York
Wed. June 7, NY Historical Society, New York
Wed. June 14, Yale Center for British Art & Yale University Gallery, New Haven, CT



The word "running" has many meanings. Two are most appropriate at the moment for us at Kendal.

First, time is running out to make a donation to the Staff Appreciation Fund. Co-Chairs Steve Kanfer and Pat Taylor want to remind those that have not yet contributed that the suggested gift of $150 per person is what the Committee has recommended. A metal box at the Front Desk is there to accept your checks. If you haven't done it already, do it today.

Second, time is also running out for those who wish to run for a seat on the Residents Council. A "Intent to Run" form must get to Election Committee Chair Muriel Hahn by June 5. Questions? Get in touch directly with Muriel.


Beware of Yet another "Phishing" Scam


It Takes a Village 10591 has learned of an email "phishing" scam targeting older adults.   Emails are being sent looking like they come from the Administration on Community Living, ACL, and the Administration on Aging, AoA. They are requesting social security numbers and payments in order to continue receiving benefits. THESE EMAILS ARE FAKE. Do NOT give your social security number or other important information to anyone you do not know personally. 

What is Phishing? Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, bank and other financial account, and credit card details (and, directly or indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by pretending to be a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication such as email and text messages. For anyone, but particularly for older and vulnerable adults, phishing can be an opening to fraud and financial abuse.

Don't Forget....

May 15, 10:00 am - Benjamin Sanders, former Director in the UN Office for Disarmament, will join the Great Decisions Program to participate in a discussion on Nuclear Security. All are welcome.

May 15, 7:30 pm - Eugene DuBow, Founding Director of the American Jewish Committee Berlin Office, will give a talk on his recent trip to Germany.  

May 21, 3:00 pm - Pianist Roman Rudnytsky will give a concert of pieces by Hayden, Beethoven and others. 

School Budget

A vote on the local school budget will take place on Tuesday, May 16, from 7 am to 9 pm at the Morse School on the corner of Pocantico & Beekman Aves. 

While most of our residents are somewhat beyond public school age, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are not. Those belonging to our fellow citizens need your help and support as well.

So, we need you to vote. For more information contact Martin Smolin.  

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the Residents Council are a record of all actions and discussion that take place at the Council meetings. They may not contain Pulitzer Prize winning prose but they contain information that has more impact on the lives of Residents than does a Tolstoyan novel.

Minutes are available to all Residents. If you are computer literate you can receive them via email. If you are not, (How did you get on to this website?) a printed-out paper copy will appear in your cubby. 

For either of these services contact Council Secretary, Eugene DuBow.  He'll make it happen.

Ping Pong Anyone?

She cannot promise you a ping pong game with Barack Obama, but if you want to learn how to play, the intrepid Muriel Fox has arranged championship lessons for you.

Muriel has signed up for lessons with Rawle Alleyne, the chief instructor of the Westchester Table Tennis Association. Top of the line kind of guy!

Interested? Get in touch with Muriel.