“Dream Fulfilled” Art and Poem by Sheila Benedis

Art and Photo by Sheila Benedis

I purchased a Tudor house

in an idyllic village

Hastings-on-Hudson, where

rustic nature abounds


I have a husband

and a child, life

is almost what

it is meant to be


after much searching

I completed my dream

found art, overcame

my struggles with computers


left-brain world departs

replaced with creativity where

nature’s organic shapes

and visual art permeate


activated by language


More Humor from Simone

I’m on two diets. I wasn’t getting enough food on just one.

A cold seat in a public restroom is unpleasant. A warm seat is worse.

Apparently RSVP’ing to a wedding invitation, "Maybe next time", isn’t the correct response.

Don’t irritate old people. The older we get the less “life in prison” is a deterrent.

Have you ever listened to someone for a minute and thought, “Their cornbread ain’t done in the middle.”

Aliens probably fly by earth and lock their doors.

I asked my wife if I was the only one she had been with. She said yes, all the others were nines and tens.

I really don’t mind getting older, but my body is taking it badly.

It turns out that being an adult is mostly just googling how to do stuff.

I miss the 90’s, when bread was still good for you and no one knew what kale was.

Do you ever get up in the morning, look in the mirror and think, “That can’t be accurate”.

I want to be 14 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.

As I watch this generation try to rewrite our history, one thing I’m sure of... it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.

I thought getting old would take longer.

My wife asked me to take her to one of those restaurants where they make food right in front of you. I took her to Subway. That’s when the fight started.

Me: Sobbing my heart out, “I can’t see you anymore... I’m not going to let you hurt me again". Trainer: “It was one sit-up. You did one sit-up.”

Picked up a hitchhiker. He asked if I wasn’t afraid he might be a serial killer? I told him the odds of two serial killers being in the same car were extremely unlikely.

I went line dancing last night. OK, it was a roadside sobriety test... same thing......

A Sense of Perspective

The population of Earth is around 7.8 billion.

For most people, it is a large figure However, if you condensed 7.8 billion into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics the resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.

Out of 100:
11 are in Europe
5 are in North America
9 are in South America
15 are in Africa
60 are in Asia

49 live in the countryside
51 live in cities

75 have mobile phones
25 do not.

30 have internet access
70 do not have the availability to go online

7 received university education
93 did not attend college.

83 can read
17 are illiterate.

33 are Christians
22 are Muslims
14 are Hindus
7 are Buddhists
12 are other religions
12 have no religious beliefs.

26 live less than 14 years
66 died between 15 - 64 years of age
8 are over 65 years old.

If you have your own home,
Eat full meals & water,
Have a mobile phone,
Can surf the internet, and
have gone to college,
You are in the miniscule, privileged lot.
(In the less than 7% category)

Amongst 100 persons in the world, only 8 live or exceed the age of 65.

If you are over 65 years old, be content & grateful. Cherish life, grasp the moment.

If you did not leave this world before the age of 64 like the 92 persons who have gone before you, you are already the blessed amongst mankind.

Take good care of your own health. Cherish every remaining moment.

If you think you are suffering memory loss.......

Anosognosia, very interesting...

In the following analysis the French Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IMMA) at La Pitié-Salpêtrière - Paris Hospitals, addresses the subject in a rather reassuring way:

"If anyone is aware of their memory problems, they do not have Alzheimer's."

1. forget the names of families.
2. do not remember where I put some things.

It often happens in people 60 years and older that they complain that they lack memory. "The information is always in the brain, it is the "processor" that is lacking."

This is "Anosognosia" or temporary forgetfulness.

Half of people 60 and older have some symptoms that are due to age rather than disease. The most common cases are:
- forgetting the name of a person,
- going to a room in the house and not remembering why we were going there,
- a blank memory for a movie title or actress,
- a waste of time searching where we left our glasses or keys ..
After 60 years most people have such a difficulty, which indicates that it is not a disease but rather a characteristic due to the passage of years ..

Many people are concerned about these oversights hence the importance of the following statements:
1."Those who are conscious of being forgetful have no serious problem of memory."
2."Those who suffer from a memory illness or Alzheimer's, are not aware of what is happening."

Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of IMMA, reassures the majority of people concerned about their oversights:

"The more we complain about memory loss, the less likely we are to suffer from memory sickness."

Now for a little neurological test:
Only use your eyes!

1- Find the C in the table below!


2- If you found the C, then find the 6 in the table below.


3- Now find the N in the table below. Attention, it's a little more difficult!


If you pass these three tests without problem:
- you can cancel your annual visit to the neurologist.
- your brain is in perfect shape!
- you are far from having any relationship with Alzheimer's.

We are truly blessed, So, share this with your over-55 friends, it can reassure them.

Time is like a river; you can only touch the water once.

Because the flow that has passed, will never pass again.

Enjoy each moment of life.

You have survived 100% of your bad days!

Thanks to Maria Harris for sending these.