2016 DOMESTIC ISSUES Discussion Program


Beginning in October, the Education Committee will sponsor the 2016 Domestic Issues Discussion Program.  As with the 2015 inaugural program, five current issues confronting the United States, and which may play prominent roles in the 2016 Presidential Election, will be covered.

Sign-up sheets will be available on September 6 in the loose-leaf notebook on the Trips Shelf. Attendance will be limited to 35 participants with interests in domestic political, economic and social issues (additional residents may attend as  observers).

About two weeks prior to its discussion, participants will receive literature on each topic. As preparation for the discussions, participants are encouraged to obtain additional information directly from the internet, newspapers and other periodicals.

The schedule for the 2016 Domestic Issues Discussion Program, including the facilitators leading each session, is shown below. All sessions will be held in the Gathering Room from 10 AM to Noon on the dates noted:

DATE         TOPIC          FACILITATOR                                                              

Oct. 10   Accepting and Integrating     Refugees and Migrants into the United States
                                    Peter Davies

 Oct. 17       Guns, Violence and Money                                              Pat Lightfoot

Nov. 7       The Presidential Election System:   Is It Broken?
                                Gene DuBow              

Nov. 21     What’s Happening to Health Care:                 Where Is It going? Where It Should Go.
                                   Ed Hanin

Dec. 5        U. S. Fair Trade Agreements                  Winners/Losers: Role of Governments
                                    John Sorice