KoH residents will celebrate the Fourth of July together once again this year, under our tent on the Terrace at 5:30 pm. (In case of rain we’ll move to the Gathering Room.)

The Kendal Singers, led by Bob Singleton with accompaniment by Linda Mahoney, have added two rousing new songs to the patriotic songs in their repertory. The audience will receive printed words for singalongs.

This year’s Fourth of July show will give residents a chance to vote on the question “What should be the next Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?”

Three competing amendments will be proposed by Anne White, Eugene DuBow and Jon Masters. Muriel Fox, producer of our annual celebration, predicts a lively discussion. She points out that in our 2018 Fourth of July show our independent-minded KoH residents voted “The Star-Spangled Banner” a dismal third place as our choice for America’s national anthem.

Frank Neuwirth will read excerpts from our Declaration of Independence, and performers will recite our much-misquoted Bill of Rights.

As always, residents will have several choices for observing nearby Fourth of July fireworks. Those who are sturdy enough to climb to the hilltop of Rockwood Hall may join others in a flashlight procession at 8:30 pm. From the top of the park, one can see an unforgettable display of fireworks.