Added to Resident Website as of 6/19/16

In response to residents’ suggestions at the June 1 launch of the website, a new page entitled “Playing” has been added to the Community Life Section.  Besides describing some of the ways Kendal residents have fun, it contains many useful links to websites about

Local Events and News
On-line Games
Restaurant Reservation
Sports Scores and News

A note on “How To Bookmark a Website or Make a Desktop Shortcut to it” was added to the Help page, under the INFO section. 

Photos of Kendal drivers Rich and Eamon were posted under INFO/Transportation

Resident Council minutes from the special April 2016 meeting on By-Laws were posted in the Residents Only section.

A Map of the Phelps Hospital Complex and a copy of the booklet, “A Patient Guide to Phelps,” was added to the Community Life/Staying Healthy page.

New content links were added to the “Did You See?” Blog this week, underINFO/Did You See?  They are:

World Wide Web's Creator Looks to Reinvent It
Light Pollution Masks the Milky Way for a Third of the World’s Population
Video From a Polar Bear’s Point of View
Christo’s Newest Project: Walking on Water
The Wisdom of the Aging Brain
The Money Letter Every Parent Should Write
Think Less, Think Better

The NEWS, Calendar of Events, Spotlight, and Menus pages continue to be updated once a week or more as needed

July 4th Spectacular

A great 4th of July celebration is being planned, according to Muriel Fox, Celebration Committee Chair.

It will include:

*A special song & dance performance

* A reading of the Declaration of Independence & the Bill of Rights

* The Kendal Singers will perform patriotic songs

* Viewing of the fireworks

It should be a great event!  

See the June 20th Edition of Spotlight for details

June/July Trips

During the summer there are four Kendal trips planned. They are:

June 22 - Walkway over the Hudson River, Highlands to Poughkeepsie

July 8 - Lindhurst, Tarrytown

July 13 - Sleepy Hollow Tour with Mayor Ken Wray.

August 7 - Caramoor Music Festival , late afternoon concert.  Drivers needed.

For details see the June 20 Spotlight Newsletter (on web under Information/Spotlight Newsletter).  Check the Trips Bulletin board for possible availability.

New items as of 6/12/16 on the Blog: “Did You See?”

Does greenery help you live longer? 

How a 100 year old artist does her work. 

An obituary on PD James. 

Ken Robinson’s video TED talk on “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” 

For graduates: Finding Your Passion. 

Implications of a new genetic engineering technique, Audio. 

Review of Michael Kinsley’s book, “Old Age: A Beginners Guide.” 

And much more. 

Click here to find any of them. 



New Trips

Van Trip.png

Three new trips have been announced

Friday July 8 - Lyndhurst in Tarrytown. Gothic Revival mansion.

Wednesday July 13 - Sleepy Hollow Tour led by Mayor Ken Wray.

Sunday August 7 - Late afternoon concert at Caramoor Music Festival.  All Brahms program

P.S. There is also room on the June 22 Walkover the Hudson trip. 

Sign up in the Trips Book in the hall near the Computer Room

More information in the June 13 Spotlight.

Newspapers Available in the Lounge

Want to read a newspaper while lounging in the Lounge without taking one from your apartment?

It's now possible. Sue Adel and Topsy Preus, Co-Chairs of the Library Committee, announced that the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are now available on a table in the Lounge.

A cardinal rule -- Put them back where you found them so other readers can enjoy them.


July Music Course

Pianist Michael Boriskin returns to Kendal in July for a three part music course.

His topics will be:

July 5: Beyond Appalachian Spring; Known & Unknown

July 12: Claude Debussy; Magic, Mystery & Anarchy

July 26 Madman or Genius? Beethoven's Late String Quartets

There is a $50 charge for all 3 sessions. $20 each for individual sessions

A sign-up sheet will be available soon. Also an individual sign up sheet is in your cubby.