Get hooked on hooked rug art

 You're invited to view a series of hooked rug art in the hallway outside Apartment 3407 in Robert Fulton. It will be up through the month of July.

The four pieces were created by new resident Marilyn Bottjer. She is a fiber artist and former teacher at the American Folk Art Museum (NYC). She currently teaches a group called the Hudson River Rug Hookers which meets in Croton once a week. Marilyn is a new member of the CAFA Committee. 




Medical Emergencies Happen!

 Wear your PET emergency pendant at all times.

In the event of a fall, heart attack, stroke, or other emergency, every second counts. Wearing your PET helps ensure you receive medical attention quickly.

By pressing the emergency button on your PET, a staff member will be able to quickly dispatch emergency services. 


Slim Gym is back. Sign up at next meeting Monday July 11 at 12:15 PM in the Fitness Lobby

Art Activity - Saturdays at 10:00 AM in the Art Room  

Trip to the NY Historical Association July 27, Lyndhurst on July 8, Noguchi Museum on July 20, Caramoor Music Festival on Aug. 7. Sign up in the Trips Book opposite the Computer Room. 

Met Opera HD Live, Jan 21, Feb. 25 and May 13. Details in Spotlight.

Residents Association, Monday July 18, 3:00 PM in the Gathering Room

Council Meeting: July 25, 7:30 PM (Quarterly Association Meeting) in the Gathering Room

Rockwood Hall Opportunity

Rockwood hall 2.jpg

If you have a love of nature and affection for our neighbor Rockwood Hall, we have an offer you can't refuse.

Every year our folks man an information table at the top of the hill opposite Kendal. You will be speaking to interesting passers-bye and handing out information. It's great fun in a good cause.

To find out about this interesting project contact Nathan Salzburg. 

July Music Events

There will be several terrific music events at KOH during July

On Sunday, July 17 at 3:00 PM - Classic Jazz with the Johnny Morris Jazz All-Stars

On July 23 (Saturday) we'll host Orrin Star and the Sultans of String, a Bluegrass band. 7:30 PM in the gathering Room

On Wednesday, July 20 at 5:00 PM we'll have one of our "Summer Sings" in the Residents Lounge.

Put these dates on your calendar!

Populism: A New Seminar Series

A new seminar is about to start. The subject is "Populism: What Is It?". If you you've been reading about the upcoming American election and Brexit in the UK you know it's an important political movement. But, what is it really?

Our own Bill McFeely will be leading a four-part seminar on July 14, 21, 28 & Aug. 4 (Thursdays at 10:30 AM ). Meetings will be held in the Resident Association Office.

Sign-up sheets will be in the usual place outside the Computer Room.


Met Opera Live Trips

The Trips Committee headed by Jan Meyers is arranging for van trips to MET OPERA LIVE transmissions of Saturday matinees at City Center Cinema in White Plains during the 2016-2017 season. 

Jan 21 - Gounod's Romeo et Juliette

Feb. 25 - Dvorak's Rusalka

May 13 - Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier

The sign-up sheets will be placed in the TRIPS BOOK on Friday, June 24. 

Payment and transportation details can be found in the June 27 edition of Spotlight.
Questions should be directed to Jan Meyers.

Common Areas, Furniture & Art Committee Meeting

I think we can all agree that the hallways and common rooms here at Kendal have been more than beautified by the addition of genuine art and tasteful furniture.

The committee that is responsible for our internal beautification is the Common Areas, Furniture & Art Committee (CAFA).
CAFA will hold a meeting on Thursday, June 30th in the Art Room.  

Questions about the meeting and the activities of CAFA should be addressed to Jackie Wilke.