Fireside Chats

 Executive Director Pat Doyle's Fireside Chats which bring us up to date from management will be held on Tuesdays this coming year instead of the traditional Wednesdays.

They will take place on the last Tuesday of each month. However, it should be noted that there will not be one this Dec. 28th.

Residents should mark their calendars accordingly.

Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel

During the Hanukkah eight-day celebration, one of the traditional activities centers around playing the Dreidel game. To accompany it the Dreidel Song is sung. Many think it is a folk song but in reality it was composed by an American, Samuel E. Goldfarb.

Goldfarb's son Myron Gordon, a Kendal resident, has gone a long way in popularizing it and having it recorded on a CD. The entire story of how that came to pass appears on the website of JTA.

It can be accessed by clicking here.  

Kendal Holiday Concerts

The Holiday Season is upon us and Kendal kicks off its celebration with three concerts in the coming week. They are:

Tuesday Dec. 13th 7:30 PM     Kendal Chorus Concert (Gathering Room)

Thursday Dec. 19th 4:30 PM   Kendal Bell Ringers Concert (Lounge)

Sunday Dec. 18th 3:00 PM      Sounds of the Season, Cris Groenendaal, baritone & Sue Anderson, piano (Gathering Room)