KOH Residents Annual Appeal

February 1 is the kickoff date for our KOH Residents Association Annual Appeal.

The fundraiser benefits Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown organizations doing great work in our community and Kendal on Hudson resident activities such as frequent movies, art programs, exhibits, the KOH Library, KOH-TV, and the KOH Resident Website.

The suggested donation amount of $200 per person ($400 per couple) is tax deductible. Checks should be made payable to the KOH Residents Association. 

Checks should be placed in the KOH box at the front desk starting February 1st. All contributions should be in by the end of February.   

Loss Committee

The Loss Committee headed by Bob Sanders sponsored the Annual Memorial Service for those Residents who had passed away during 2016. It was a touching ceremony. The bios for the departed were prepared by the members of the Committee particularly Susan Lichten and Sue Phillips.

The Committee is now asking members of the resident community who were close to residents who passed away in early 2017 to provide the Committee with tidbits of any kind about the departed. Any such information should be given to Bob Sanders. It will help the Committee in preparing the bios for the 2017 Memorial Service.  

New Art Show March 7 to September 29, 2017

A new art show is planned for the Rue des Artistes at Kendal. It will take place from March 7 to September 29. It will be called "THE KENDAL EYE".

The curators, Mariet Van der Heide and Betty Morefield are asking for submissions of artwork made by residents and and staff which have not previously been shown on the Rue des Artistes.

Paintings, collages, assemblages, wearable art, needlework and whatever else can hang on the wall or fit in a case are requested. 

So, Kendal artists, get busy. The Rue awaits your artistic output.

Rehabilitation Services

Starting on February 1 KOH will have a new corporation, HealthPRO, providing rehabilitation services for us. In order to provide an overview, Greg Westgate, Regional Manager and Janice Dorazio, Senior Rehabilitation Director of HealthPRO will be at Kendal to meet with us.

The meeting will take place Monday, January 30 at 2:00 PM in the Gathering Room.

All KOH residents are encouraged to attend.

Co-Pilots Annual Meeting February 16, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

As the Co-Pilot Program enters its tenth year a report on progress, review procedures and respond to concerns will be addressed.

Kare Harvatin, Kendal's Health Services Administrator and Pattie Munson, Resident Care Center Director will be on hand.

All Co-Pilots are urged to attend. New Residents and others are also welcome.

Consider volunteering as day or night Co-Pilots. 

Kendal Trips to Met Opera HD Live Performances

The Kendal Van will be taking residents to three Met Opera HD Live matinee performances at the City Center Cinema in White Plains.

The dates are Jan. 21, Feb. 25 and May 13. The operas are Gounod's Romeo et Juliette, Dvorak's Rusalka and Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier respectively. Trip leaders (also respectively) are Pat Taylor, Doris Eder and Jan Myers. 

Sign up at the trips bulletin board. More detailed information is listed on the Januray 16 edition of Spotlight.