A New Phone Scam - Be Careful

The New York State Police is cautioning Hudson Valley homeowners to be wary of a recent scam sweeping the area that is similar to the “Grandparent Scam” that has become prevalent in recent years.

According to police, the scam involves unidentified suspects calling or texting a victim's cell phone and stating that a family member or loved one was kidnapped or in immediate danger. The scammer would then demand an amount of money that must be wired, or the loved one will be killed.

State police have advised that anyone who receives such a call should ask personal questions in rapid succession that the scammer would not be able to identify - such as pet’s name, family birthdays or birth town - in an effort to authenticate their identity. Police added that the family of the person allegedly in peril should also be contacted as a precaution.

Recently, in Middletown, police reported that a caller stated to the victim that their loved one was responsible for a car accident and medical expenses. They then stated that the loved one was being held for ransom in order to pay for legal, medical and car repair expenses.

Police said the scammer was convincing enough and had someone screaming in the background, prompting the victim to wire $500. That caller used a cell phone number with a Westchester County area code beginning with (914) 656-XXXX. Anyone who has been targeted should contact their local law enforcement officials or nearest state police barrack.

Drawing & Painting Class

Paul Jeffries, a noted artist and teacher, will be giving a series of workshops at Kendal during late February and all of March.

The dates are February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. Classes to be held in the Art Room. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for all to explore the possibilities and magic of working with art materials. 

The cost for the entire course is $75.

Questions? Speak to Ann Holloway.

Chapel of Bones

Kendal's own Joan Oltman, the long time and storied editor of Kendal's magazine, Kendal View, has just had her book, Chapel of Bones, published. Joan tells us that she worked on it for 20 years. It is a novel, historical fiction, a mystery, a love story and probably other genres if one looks hard. 

Knowing the kind of work and quality writing Joan is capable of, the book should provide excitement, mystery and a great read.

Joan also has a few personal copies for sale ($15). She may be willing to autograph one for you. 

Congrats, Joan!


"The Kendal Eye"

The next Kendal art exhibit, "The Kendal Eye" will take place from March 7th to September 29th.

Curators Betty Morefield and Mariet Van der Heide are seeking art work by residents and staff. Paintings, collages, assemblages, wearable art needlework and whatever can be hung are candidates. They request that appropriate work be brought to the Art Room on Saturday Feb. 11th 1:00 - 4:00 PM or Sunday Feb. 12th 10:00 - 12:00 Noon for evaluation.

Further details are available from the February 13th Spotlight or from the curators.

C'mon artists! Fame awaits you!

Four-Handed Piano



Friday, February 10, 2017
7:30 PM – Gathering Room

Works by Bach, Haydn, Chopin, Brahms, Liszt.  Click here for a copy of the program.

Ms. Burla is a student at Musik Akademie Basel, Basel, Switzerland. Mr. Delignies studies Piano Duo performance in Basel, Switzerland and is enrolled in a Master’s Program at the Amsterdam Conservatory.

Sponsored by the Music Committee

Love Changes Everything...

To get into the mood of Valentine's Day, KOH will feature a sing-along program of familiar Andrew Lloyd Webber, Rodgers & Hart, Rodgers & Hammerstein plus Lerner and Lowe love songs. 

It's open to everyone at KOH. All you need is a loving attitude and and a few serviceable vocal cords to join in the fun..

The soprano duo of Catherine Nesbit & Julie Majchrzyk plus accompanist Sue Anderson will be on hand to lead the group.

The fun takes place on Sunday, February 12 at 3:00 PM.  

KOH TV Channel 1970

Kendal on Hudson has its own internal TV channel. Channel 1970 is available to all KOH residents on their in-home TV sets. 

Daily at 8:00 PM Channel 1970 runs an outstanding movie.

During the day the artwork of Kendal residents and employees is shown and now both the lectures and concerts that have graced the Kendal stage (and have been video recorded) appear as well. The full program for Channel 1970 appears in Spotlight each week, click here for Spotlight

One thing is for sure, boredom  is not a known commodity here on the shores of the Hudson River.