Movies and Channel 1970

The viewing of good movies is one of the treats residents of Kendal on Hudson enjoy almost daily.

On most nights, when there is not a concert or lecture scheduled, Leonore Meyer and her Movie Committee show a worthwhile film. New ones, old ones, classics, and more fill the Gathering Room with top-flight entertainment. 

If residents prefer watching in their own apartments, most of the Gathering Room movies are shown the following night at 8:00 pm on KOH's internal TV station, Channel 1970. 

Sheila Darnborough and her Channel 1970 crew see to it that movies plus some of the lectures, art shows and concerts (which are video-recorded) are made available on 1970 as well. The programs are listed weekly in Spotlight

Hey! Kendal on Hudson is a fun place. If you're a movie buff, it's even more enjoyable!


Ink Drawing Workshop

Noted artist Pam Dietrich will return to Kendal with her very free approach to drawing. She'll, of course, bring with her a varied line of pens. She'll show you how to use objects such as sticks, feathers with a quill, eyedroppers, Asian-style brushes  and anything else you can dip. 

Pam will explore making line drawings of botanicals: flowers, leaves and branches and probably a lot of other objects. 

This workshop will be a genuine learning experience but, perhaps more important, a lot of fun.

The cost of the workshop is $15 payable by check only made out to the KOH Residents Association. To sign up and pay, be in touch with Bix Smethurst. Checks should be put in Bix's cubby.

Thanks to Kendal Staff

Residents Association Chair Fran Kelly issued the following statement on behalf of the Association," Our fantastic Kendal on Hudson staff came through with flying colors. Fifty of them, in all departments, gave up the comfort of their own homes to see us through Winter Storm Stella. Let's all be sure to express our appreciation to each of them for their caring professionalism." 

A stellar performance during Stella! What more can one say except "Thanks". 

Passover Seder

Once again Bob Sanders has organized a Passover Seder for Kendal on Hudson. The first night of Passover this year is April 10. Those Kendal residents (Jewish and non-Jewish) who wish to attend can sign up at the usual place in about a week when the sign-up sheet is posted. 

There will be a nominal charge of $10 to cover the cost of wait staff, wine, and so forth.  Checks should be be placed in Bob's cubby. 

Because of space limitations, participation is open only to residents. 


You should mark your calendars accordingly for two great courses to be offered at Kendal.

On Tuesdays, April 4, 18, and 25 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM Alfred N. Hunt will conduct his 11th course at Kendal, "Devouring History - Foods and Fads." Sign up opposite the Computer Room ($45 for the entire course. Individual sessions $20)

On May 9, 16, and 23 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm renowned pianist and Director of Copeland House, Michael Boriskin, will be back to cover another interesting facet of music. Details will be available shortly. 


Great Books

The spring session of "Great Books" is scheduled for Thursday, March 16 at 3:30 PM in the Administrative Conference Room (ACR).

The Great Books program welcomes any and all of the great people we have here at Kendal. 

On March 16 the group will be discussing Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur."  It's a classic adventure story focusing on King Arthur, his ladies and the knights of the roundtable.

So, look in the mirror, recognize your own greatness and show up for the Great Books discussion. 

New Driver Added

No! It's not a new golf club, it's an added van driver for one of the Kendal vans.

With some M.D.'s and other medical facilities being added in further-out parts of Westchester, it has become necessary for our vans (and their drivers) to go longer distances which takes more time. Therefore, it became necessary to add another person to our corp of van drivers.

Who is this new addition? He's not so new. Howie Taxiera previously worked at Kendal until his retirement. He now will be on duty Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 

Management suggests that residents schedule their physician appointments on those days, especially those within the new 15-mile limit but at some distance from Kendal.

Welcome back, Howie!