2016 Financial Audit Results

Why did a I toss out my Accounting 101 textbooks? 

They would have helped me on Thursday, June 29, at 2 pm when there will be a presentation of the 2016 Audit Financial Results and Triannual Actuarial Study in the Gathering Room. 

The Grant Thornton Auditor will be on hand to make the presentation and answer all questions. He won't be under oath but we will get a lot of "straight-arrow" answers.

The Study might not have Comey Hearing fireworks but the results have a lot more to do with life at Kendal than a gaggle of Senators asking a lot of unanswerable questions.

Because of the presentation, the Fireside Chat scheduled for June 27 will not be held. 

Summer Sing

There will be a series of Summer Sings on Wednesdays, June 21, July 19 and August 23, 5:15-6:15pm in the Residents Lounge.

Sue Anderson, our KoH Chorus accompanist, will be the MC for the first two.  Residents are urged bring and join in on any folk-instruments they play at the August Folk Fest which will be MC'd by Deb Wood.

So, bring along your best singing voice to join in with your fellow residents.

Put the dates on your calendar, start practicing in the shower, and let's hear from you when the singing begins!

Religious Services

It was announced to our Catholic residents that because of Father Ron's increased responsibilities, he will no longer celebrate Mass on Sundays at KoH. The following new schedule starting in June will be Thursdays at 10:15 am in the Clearwater Activity Room. 

Other religious services at KoH are as follows:

Episcopal Prayer: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 1:30 pm in Clearwater
Shabbat Jewish Service: 2nd Friday 4:30 pm in the Private Dining Room
Quaker Meeting: Sundays 11 am in the Admin. Conference Room (C Level) 

Kendal Creates

A new Rue des Artistes show, Kendal Creates, is in the planning stage. Barbara Gochman and Mariet Van der Heide will be the Curators.

The show will run from October 2017 to March 2018. All varieties of art will be welcome. If you're serious about getting hung (your art that is), get in touch with Barbara and/or Mariet for details.

This should be another smash-hit exhibition. 

Pastel Demonstration Workshop

On Thursday, June 1, at 10:00 am (to noon) Myrtle Johnson will be at the Art Room to demonstrate how to create a work with soft pastels, from approach to finishing touch. 

The workshop with this outstanding artist will be limited to 15 people. Cost is $15.

For more information as well as to sign up, please get in touch with Bix Smethurst.

New Trip - Museum of the City of New York

Don't Jan Myers and her Trips Committee ever sleep? They keep grinding out new expeditions for us - one more exciting than the last one.

The newest is a trip to the Museum of the City of New York which focuses on the city's 400-year evolution from a Dutch Village into a world capital presented in two sections, Fort City (1609 - 1898) and World City (1898 - 2012) plus the Future City Lab with interactive features letting visitors design the future. Add to all that Muslim New York. 

This great trip will take place on Wed., June 28.