New "Do Your Own Thing" Trip Announced

If you want to "Trip the Light Fantastic" you can sign up (Trips Book, usual place) for the Trips Committee's "New York City - Do Your Own Thing" excursion with a drop off at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is scheduled for Wednesday, July 26. 

And, don't forget  the Wednesday June 28 Museum of the City of New York trip. There is a short wait list so you might get on if you sign up.

Info on any and all trips is available from the head Tripper, Jan Myers. 

July Theater Course

KoH will be offering a July Theater Course. Led by Kate Farrington, Resident Dramaturg for the Pearl Theater. The course will feature three 20th Century American classics: "Death of a Salesman" (July 11), "Streetcar Named Desire" (July 18) and "Long Day's Journey into Night" (July 25). Classes will be held in the Gathering Room, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. 

Film versions of the plays will be shown in the Gathering Room on Thursday evenings, July 6, 13 and 20.

Tuition is $45 for all three courses, or $20 per individual sessions. 

Sign up sheets will be in the usual place.

Fourth of July Debate

KoH's Fourth of July show (July 4th, Gathering Room, 7:00 pm) will give all those in attendance an opportunity to vote as to whether "The Star Spangled Banner" should continue as America's national anthem. Frank Neuwirth will argue in the negative and Jim Wood, the affirmative. 

In addition, the Kendal Singers led by Bob Singleton will perform four songs that might be substitutes. 

Following these festivities (if the nation is still in one piece) residents will be able to watch local fireworks from inside KoH and atop the hilltop at Rockwood Hall. More information is in the June 26 edition of Spotlight

Phelps Offers 6 week summer Tai Chi Class

Phelps will be doing a 6 week summer tai chi class for arthritis and balance starting on Tuesday, June 27th.  The classes will be offered twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-2:00pm at the Reformed Church of the Tarrytowns.  The classes are on the second floor of the facility.  The cost is $5 per class.  The instructor is Molly Roffman who runs the "A Matter of Balance" program at Phelps.  Please let Ellen Woods know at if you are interested in attending.

New Speed Limit in Sleepy Hollow

The new speed limit in the Village of Sleepy Hollow is now 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted.

Residents who drive should be careful on both Route 9 (where it is easy to just zip along because of the straight road and frequent lack of traffic)  and on the road that encircles Kendal. 

It should be noted that the Residents Association does not provide Bail Bond Service should you just forget about the speed limit and get caught. Also, Co-Pilot service does not apply.

Seriously, be careful!

Residents Council Candidates

The Residents Association Election Committee recently announced the names of the 2017 candidates who will be running for positions on the Residents Council. 

They are:

Margo Berger
Marilyn Bottjer
Eleanor Bromberg
Muriel Fox
Gisa Indenbaum
Steve Kanfer
Jeff O'Donnell
Sue Phillips
Art Sadler
Jim Wood

Save these dates:

Sept. 11 - "Meet the Candidates Night"
Sept. 13 & 14 - Election

If an absentee ballot is needed, residents should see Ellen Ottstadt. 

New Residents Meet & Greet Events

The KOH Residents Welcoming Team will host Friday evening wine and cheese gatherings in the Residents Lounge to give all an opportunity to "Meet & Greet" new residents. 

On June 23 we will welcome new Mary Powell residents Marty Williams, Madeline Mayerson, and Rema Sessler.

On June 30 new Robert Fulton residents Len Andrew, Lynne & Arthur Brady, Irving Antzis and Gloria and Bill Lewit will be welcomed.

On July 14 new Alida and Clermont residents Elaine Newman, Clark Halstead, Barbara Rachlin and Deena LaMotta will be welcomed.

Thereafter, the Meet and Greet events will take place on the last Friday of each month.


New Trip: Georgia O'Keefe

Some things never change. The sun comes up every morning and the Trips Committee comes up with a new and interesting trip.

This time they've arranged an outing to the Brooklyn Museum in order to see a "Georgia O'Keefe : Living Modern" show. 

This show explores how she determined her own public persona by her clothing and her poses for the camera. 

There's a lot more, including photos of her home taken by famous artists. 

Sign-up sheets are available at the usual place opposite the Computer Room.