Residents Herb Garden

Residents can enjoy fresh herbs with the daily salad if they're willing to harvest them themselves from the Residents Herb Garden. 

Each herb will be clearly marked. Early harvesters are requested to go easy on what they take as this year's crop is still growing.

If you have questions, please contact Topsy Preuss.

Jewish Museum Trip

On Thursday, August 10, the Trips Committee will be sponsoring a trip to the Jewish Museum in NYC. The Museum will be showing the work of Florine Stettheimer, an early 20th Century painter, poet, artist and designer.  She was an icon of the Jazz Age.

The Stettheimer show will feature more than 50 paintings and drawing as well as costumes, theater designs, poems, photographs and "ephemera" of this noted artist.

Free time will also be available for viewing other exhibitions in the museum.

A sign-up sheet in the Trip Book located opposite the Computer Room is available.

P.S. There is space available or a short wait list for these other trips:  

Wed., Aug. 2, John Jay Homestead in Katonah

Educational Courses at Kendal

Over and above the many lectures and concerts that take place at Kendal, various courses are held to enhance the education and knowledge of the residents. 

Those scheduled are:

Modern American Theater (Kate Farrington) July 11, 18, 25.

Relations of the Giants: China, India and the U.S.  (Marjorie Miller) Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26.

Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues in the Middle East (Jean Marc Oppenheim)
Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24.

One text, two faiths: How Christians and Jews Read the Hebrew Bible (Michael Malina).  Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28.

All course start at 1:30 pm and run until 3:30 pm. 

New Trip - John Jay Homestead

The Trips Committee, once again, has come up with a new and interesting excursion. This one will take place on Wednesday, August 2. It will take the group to the John Jay Homestead in Katonah. There will be a docent tour of the farmhouse of Westchester's only Founding Father who lived there from 1801-1829. 

John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and co-author of the Federalist Papers. He was also President of the Second Continental Congress, a diplomat and Governor of New York State.  He was almost as busy as the Chairperson of the Trips Committee.

Sign-up in the Trips Book in the hall across from the Computer Room. 

Dining Advisory Committee

You didn't like the chicken salad? You'd like to see different kinds of fruit and veggies? 

Here's your chance to have your voice heard on all the food choices, etc. we have at Kendal. The Residents Dining Advisory Committee is having an open meeting on Monday, July 24, at 1:00 pm in the Private Dining Room. 

All opinions are welcome including those congratulating the chefs and food service people on the great food we are served each and every day.

Knitting for Babies

Marilyn Bottjer, who heads the Fiber Arts Group, has sent out a call for all knitters (and those that want to learn to knit) to attend the next meeting of the Fiber Arts Group on July 14 in the Crafts Room (Exact time available directly from Marilyn).

The Group has undertaken knitting infants' hats to be included in Baby Boxes being given to new parents by the Open Door Clinics. 

For new knitters it's an opportunity to learn a new skill and to have your product adorn the head of a newborn. 

Questions? Get in touch with Marilyn. 


2017 - 2018 Met Opera HD Live Trips

The Trips Committee has chosen four operas, Norma, Cosi fan tutte, Çendrillon, and La Boheme  for Kendal Trips to Met Opera HD Live Saturday matinee video transmissions during the 2017-18 season. The dates are October 7, March 31, and April 28. The La Boheme date is Feb. 24.

Sign-up sheets are already available at the usual place opposite the Computer Room. More information and the complete HD Live schedule is there as well. 

For cost and transportation details see the June 26th edition of Spotlight.