Resident Association Quarterly Meeting July 24 Reaches Consensus on New Residents Only Page

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Following Jeff O'Donnell's presentation and discussion, consensus was reached that the NEW Residents Only section of the Residents Website be implemented. Everyone with an email address on the “Residents in House” Telephone Directory was sent a memo via email on July 27, 2017, describing the new system and how to access it.  If you did not receive such an email, contact Caroline Persell via email requesting the memo.

Trips Available

The Trips Committee recently announced that there was space available or a short wait list for the following trips:

Wed. August 2 - John Jay Homestead in Katonah
Thurs. August 10 - Jewish Museum, NYC
Wed. August 23 - American Museum of Natural History, NYC

Sign up in the hall opposite the Computer Room. 

The Committee wishes you to know that cancellations frequently occur. So you should not assume you will be left out even if you are far down on the wait list. If you sign up on a wait list they ask that you do not make other plans for that date. There is a good chance you might be called to fill a vacant place.

The Trips Committee works hard to line up these great excursions so please follow the rules. More information is available in the July 24 edition of Spotlight. 


"The Remains of War": A New Course Offering

Kendal's own Pulitzer Prize-winner Bill McFeely will be offering a new four part course "The Remains of War". 

The course will will be held on four successive Thursday mornings at 10:30 am. The dates are August 10, 17, 24 & 31. 

Bill explained, " In each of our little courses we have encountered war. I thought it might be interesting to look at one man's Vietnam War. We will focus on connected short stories, "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien."

The course will be limited to 15 participants. Sign up will begin on July 26 in the alcove opposite the Computer Room. More details are available in the July 24 edition of Spotlight. 

Phelps Hospital Offers a New Service

Vitality at Phelps is pleased to announce a new service available to seniors that will be offered at Phelps in collaboration with the Westchester County Department of Senior Program and Services.  Starting Monday, July 31st, the county will send an Ambassador from their Senior Navigator program to Phelps on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00am-3:00pm.  The Ambassador is available to provide information on resources for seniors around the county.  No appointments are necessary.  The Ambassador will be located in the hallway outside of the cafeteria on the “G” level.

Consider taking advantage of this service and pass the word along to your family and friends.

Feel free to contact Ellen Woods at Phelps if you have any questions.

New Trip

The untiring and unceasingly active Trip Committee has, yet again, come up with a new and exciting excursion for us.

On Wednesday, August 23, the Committee will sponsor a trip to the American Museum of Natural History. The museum will be featuring an exhibition of "Mummies" which will give one a close-up look at rarely exhibited mummies from Egypt and Peru. In these two countries mummification was a way of preserving and honoring the dead for thousands of years. 

You can come face to face with ancient individuals (older than those in the Bistro) and rare artifacts and find out how scientists use modern and non-invasive technology to gather details about them and their cultures. It should be very interesting. 

Also there are short wait lists for:
John Jay Homestead, Katonah  - Wednesday August 2
Jewish Museum, NYC Thursday  August 10

Dining Advisory Committee Meets

If you have any interest in the food and the service in Kendal, you might want to attend the next meeting of the Dining Advisory Committee. If what you select for your plate is too sweet or too sour, too chewy or too soft or even too gravy-laden or just too dry, you should show up and state your personal feelings. Even if you think the food, by and large, is delicious and a pleasure to chew and swallow - this also can be your moment. 

To voice your opinion, show up at 1:00 pm on Monday July 24 in the Private Dining Room. 

National Anthem Surprise

At KOH's July 4th celebration Muriel Fox, Chair of the celebration, introduced a most interesting contest for the audience to share their views on America's national anthem.

The Kendal Chorus sang four songs that could possibly replace the Star Spangled Banner as our anthem. "This Land is Our Land," "America the Beautiful," "My Country 'Tis of Thee," and Lift Every Voice" were in the running. Frank Neuwirth made a suggested entry using the words of the Constitution.  The audience then voted.

Wayne Richter, a retired professor of mathematics tabulated the votes on his trusty abacus which gave a more honest result than any that Pres. Trump's new Vote Panel might find. 

Surprisingly, "This Land is Our Land" was the winner by quite a lot. Some felt that the  result was influenced by the fact that many of the KOH residents are "Old Folkies" expressing love for Woody Guthrie.  

It is expected that the Dept. of Justice might look into this radical outcome and declare it an alternate fact. 


Faith Group Discussions

Faith is frequently defined as belief with strong conviction. The KoH residents who are interested in examining their own and those of others join together every Thursday morning at 10 am for an hour in the Private Dining Room. By popular usage the assemblage has become known as the Faith Group. 

Residents of all faiths, plus agnostics, atheists and anyone else who has a set of beliefs (and those that don’t have one) are invited to participate. It is open to all.

The group focuses on such topics as science and religion, salvation, morality, and almost anything else they think germane.

Questions? Get in touch with Gene DuBow

Domestic Issues Discussion Program

The five session Domestic Issues Program will get under way in October. The discussions take place in the Gathering Room on alternate Mondays from 10:00 am to Noon. The schedule is as follows:

Oct. 9 - Saving America's Neglected Infrastructure
Oct. 23 - America's Criminal Justice System & Prison Reform
Nov. 6 - Can America's Presidential Election System Be Reformed?
Nov. 20 - U.S. Tax Policy and Inequality
Dec. 4 - The Future of America's Education System

The program is limited to 35 participants. A sign-up sheet will be posted on Sept. 2 in the usual place opposite the Computer Room.