Gathering Room to Close

The Gathering Room will be closed from Tuesday, August 15th through Friday afternoon, August 18th because the Administration will be receiving the furniture that was in storage since the beginning of Project Renew. There is just no other place to put it.

The Administration and CAFA will go through the items and choose what can be utilized at Kendal. Those items not selected will be offered to the staff. The remnants will be disposed of. 

Because of this closing there will be no movies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. As usual, movies will be available on Channel 1970 each evening at 8:00 pm.  

More News from Ellen Woods of Phelps

There are a few appointments available for the cognitive screening on Tuesday, August 15.  Please let Ellen Woods know if you are interested in having an appointment.

 Autumn Games for Seasoned Adults will be held on Saturday, September 9, from 8:00am to 4:30pm at the Mount Pleasant Community Center.  Everyone had a wonderful time last year.  I hope you consider joining us for a fun day of activities and competitions.  Please click here for the flyer and click here for the Phelps schedule at the games and click here for the schedule of other activities at the games.  Also, if you could help spread the word about Autumn Games to your family and friends, Ellen would greatly appreciate it.

Free Course on Enhancing Longevity Offered by Westchester County

Ellen Woods of Phelps Hospital says, "I received this notice from the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services and thought I would pass the information along to you in case you might be interested in taking the free course described in the attachment. This is a County initiative.  I’m just the messenger."  

Click here to see the announcement.


Faith Group

The Faith Group, a Kendal weekly discussion group, deals with issues that have meaning to people of all faiths-- or none at all-- and everyone in-between.

The topics most recently discussed were "Is Fear of Death the Basis of Religion?" "The Ten Commandments," and "Capital Punishment." "Religion and Inequality" is up for discussion this coming week.

The Faith Group has been meeting weekly for the last 12 years. Only recently, its two founders, Ariel Versesi and Lynn Wildman, both passed away. The continuation of the group is a tribute to their legacy.

The Faith Group meets every Thursday morning at 10:00 am in the Private Dining Room. It is open to all.  

Herb Harvest Time

The Horticultural Committee does not settle for pretty flowers alone. Joan Levine, Chair of the Committee, and expert "herber" (Is there such a word?) Topsy Preus recently announced that the herbs which were planted in the communal Herb Garden are ripe for picking as they are ready for eating post haste.

The herbs in question can be found on the Terrace Planter. So, all residents should feel free to cut some and take them for your salads. 

Happy healthy eating!


Trips Committee Strikes Again: NYC This time

The never-sleeping members of the Trips Committee have come up with another blockbuster excursion for September 6.  The "summer" will be over and the vast mobs visiting NYC will have dwindled down to a manageable crowd.  So, a "Do Your Own Thing" trip with a drop off (and pick up) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is planned. You can "do" the Museum or whatever you wish (No one will be monitoring you). 

How much better can it get? You ride the Kendal Van into and out of the City with fellow residents (good schmooze time) and get chauffeured home.

Sounds great! Sign up sheets for the September 6 event are at the normal place opposite the Computer Room.

Need more information? Get in touch with Committee Chair Jan Myers.    

New Course: Relations of the Giants

Prof. Marjorie Miller will be offering a four-part course , RELATIONS OF THE GIANTS, at Kendal in September. It has nothing to do with the NY Giants football team or the San Francisco Giants baseball team. Rather, it will deal with an important set of international relations among three major nations.

The lectures are as follows:

1. India - Sept. 5
2. China - Sept. 12
3. India & China - Sept. 19
4. The U.S., China & India - Sept. 26

All lectures will run from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm in the Gathering Room

Sign-up sheets will be available soon opposite the Computer Room. 

Classical Guitar Comes to Kendal

Are you one of those people who think much of today's blaring guitar music on the radio is unlistenable? If you are, and still believe that the guitar is able to produce pleasant and exciting sounds that your ears actually welcome, you are in for a treat.

As part of Kendal's on-going concert presentations, the Music Committee, headed by Bert Pepper and Fran Kelly, will be presenting Joao Luis Rezende, one of America's finest classical guitarist on Sunday, August 13, at 3:00 pm in a Gathering Room concert.

Mr. Rezende was the winner of the 2006 Concert Artist Guild's Competition as a member of the Brasil Guitar Duo. He teaches at N.J. City University and is head of the Guitar Dept. at SUNY Purchase.