Flu Vaccine

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The annual administering of flu vaccine which takes place at Kendal is now scheduled for four Mondays in October.

They are: Oct. 9, Oct. 16, Oct. 23 and Oct. 30.

In order to be vaccinated you must sign up in the red book at the front desk. 

Medicare and other insurance you may have will be billed directly. If you receive your vaccination outside Kendal, please let Pattie Munson know. 

Questions? Ask Pattie. 


Sleepy Hollow Trip

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There is , indeed, life (and much to see) in Sleepy Hollow beyond the confines of Kendal on Hudson. The Trips Committee has scheduled a free-morning tour of our village with Mayor Ken Wray. There is much to see and hear about in Sleepy Hollow and this is an opportunity to find out about the great community in which we live.

The trip is scheduled for Wednesday, October 25. Sign up in the usual place opposite the Computer Room. 

P.S. There is still space on the Sept. 27 trip to the Walkway over the Hudson, Highland to Poughkeepsie. You can sign up for that at the same time.

Faith Group - High Holy Days

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This week’s Faith Group meeting, Thursday, September 21, falls on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish New Year. While a number of residents will be going to synagogue, for those of all faiths, or no particular faith, who will be at Kendal, it might be interesting to find out about the High Holy Days, their meaning, the traditions that surround them and have a discussion about them. It is in no way a religious service, as always at the Faith Group just an exchange of thoughts every Thursday.

 All are welcome.

The Faith Group meets at 10:00 am in the Private Dining Room.

Questions? Get in touch with Gene DuBow


New Trip

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The Trips Committee, headed by Jan Myers, has scheduled a new trip, this one to the Union Church in Pocantico Hills. 

Union Church, the Rockefeller Church,  is noted for its stained glass windows done by Matisse and Chagall. It is a must-see for all art lovers.

The trip will take place on Wednesday, October 18, during the afternoon.

Sign-up in the Trips Book at its usual place opposite the Computer Room. 

Steam Boat Models

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The late Ariel Verdesi, in addition to being a longtime Presbyterian Minister, was a highly accomplished builder of model boats, particularly steamboats that plied the waters of the Hudson River. Kendal has a love and a direct connection to these now-gone queens of the waterways as its four buildings are named after these ships.

Ariel had hoped to construct one for each of the buildings but before his death completed only two, the Clermont and the Mary Powell.

Ariel's models are displayed at the first floor entrance. His workmanship is outstanding and beautiful. Make sure you stop by and carefully examine what he has done.

Not only was Ariel a great craftsman, he was also a great and wonderful person. We are delighted to have his work exhibited as a remembrance of him.


Residents Council Voting Results

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"The people have spoken!"  The voting for seats on the Residents Council took place under the watchful eyes of Muriel Hahn and her Election Committee on Sept. 13 and 14 with the following results. 

Elected were:  Margo Berger
                            Marilyn Bottjer
                            Eleanor Bromberg*
                            Muriel Fox
                            Jeff O'Donnell
                            Jim Wood

The one with an asterisk was re-elected.

All these successful candidates are outstanding people who are deeply involved in the activities of the Residents Council.

Congratulations to them.