Dining Advisory Committee Meeting

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If you love the food at Kendal or even hate it or something in-between, here is an opportunity to have your feelings about it expressed.

The Dining Advisory Committee will hold an open meeting on Monday, October 23, at 1:00 pm in the Private Dining Room. All are invited. 

Your editor suggests that you do not eat before the meeting. Though no food will be served, it is best to attend in a hungry state when your true feelings, good or bad, are closest to the surface. 

New Course Offering

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A new course is being offered this November called "One Text: Two Faiths: How Christians and Jews Read the Hebrew Bible."  It will take place in the Gathering Room on Nov. 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. 

The course will be led by Michael Malina, a biblical scholar and  attorney. Mr. Malina is a published author and has taught courses here at Kendal previously. 

Sign-up sheets have been distributed to individual cubbys. 



If one peruses the Kendal on Hudson's weekly newsletter (Spotlight) for October 9 and turns to Page 3, they will find the announcement of two art events. The first one announces the opening of the latest Kendal Resident art show and the second, a lecture by noted art historian, Marcy Freedman entitled, "Crimes Against Art." 

We want to assure the reading public that there is no relationship between the two events. Mere coincidence. The fact is that both will be exciting and worthwhile. Ms. Freedman's lecture takes place on Oct. 9 at 7:30 pm and Kendal Creates opens the next day with a 4:00 pm reception. 

No kidding! It was merely a coincidence.

Thinking About 1970?


Have you been thinking about 1970 lately? No, not the year that brought us Monday Night Football for the first time, the year the floppy disc was invented or No Fault Divorce was initiated in California. What we're talking about here is Kendal's in-house television station, Channel 1970. 

Most residents have some working knowledge about this unique Kendal treasure. However, to the outside world it comes as a surprise that we have our own TV Channel available to all residents - free of charge.

Channel 1970 features videos of recent concerts and lectures and, every evening, there is a full-length movie. All programs are listed weekly in Spotlight. 

Most residents are pretty busy with committees, discussion programs, courses and delicious food plus conversation in the Bistro.  They are entitled to relaxation time and a little entertainment. That's where Channel 1970 comes in. It's a joy to have it at Kendal. 

Course Reminder

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Coming up in October is a four-part course, Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues in the Middle East.

The dates are 10/3, 10/10/ 10/17 & 10/24. Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm in the Gathering Room.

Kendal is fortunate in having , once again, Dr. Jean-Marc Oppenheim, Ph.D., as Instructor. 

There is a subscription fee which can be paid in advance or at the door. 

New Art Show

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Kendal is getting ready for its next art show which will be hung in the Rue des Artistes starting October 10.  It is called "Kendal Creates." 

In welcoming the new, goodbyes are being said to the current show, "Kendal Eye," which was a great success. Luckily, the new show will feature works by some of the artists whose works we have been viewing for the last few months. 

Questions? Get in touch with Barbara Gochman or Mariet Van der Heide. 

Ellen Woods at Phelps Announces October Events

Attached please find information on the Phelps Vitality events for October.

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Please let me know if you plan to attend any of these sessions.  I strongly encourage participation in the Senior Debate program.  It’s the only one of its kind offered in Westchester County.

At this time, there is a waiting list for tai chi and A Matter of Balance.  If we have enough interest, we may open up a second class for each of these programs.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks, Ellen Woods, Program Manager Vitality, Phelps Memorial Hospital, Email: ewoods3@northwell.eduPhelpshospital.org

Click on any of the following links to learn more:

Vitality Events

Breakfast Club

Senior Debate