Trips Information


The Trips Committee announced the rescheduling of its Nov. 15 trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It will now take place on Jan. 3, 2018.

Anyone confirmed on the Nov. trip that cannot make the Jan. 3 date should sign up immediately for the Wed., Nov. 29 trip.

There is also a trip on Dec. 13 for which the sign-up sheet will be posted shortly.  

All the above trips are “DYOT trips” (Do Your Own Thing). They give preference to those residents who have not taken one recently. See the Nov. 13 edition of Spotlight for “rules”.

In addition, there is space available (or a short wait list) for the Dec. 6 trip to the Neuberger Museum of Art at SUNY Purchase.

All sign-ups are to be made in the Trips Book in the hall opposite the Computer Room.

Website Soirée


Since you are reading this, at least you know there is something called the Kendal Residents Website.

What you might not know is that this august spreader of news can help you solve many of your everyday problems. Where is that thing? Where can I go to find out who deals with it? Etc.!  Etc.!

The Website Committee is sponsoring a Website Soirée on Wed., Nov. 8 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in the Gathering Room. Bring your problems. The Committee will try to provide you with some answers. 

Just show up! Your only cost will be a little bit of your time which might save a lot of it later on.

Questions? Speak to Caroline Persell. 

Art Workshop

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Pam Dietrich, who has led art workshops at Kendal before, is due to make a return trip on Thursday, Nov. 16. 

Pam's free approach to drawing using almost anything to bring beauty to paper will show us how to do it.

The two-hour workshop (10:00 am - 12 noon) is limited to 12 people. There is a $15 fee.

Questions? See Bix Smethurst. 

Election Day - Nov. 7

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Don't forget! 

This Tuesday, Nov. 7, is Election Day. 

The polling station for Kendal is located at the reception center at Philipsburg Manor. 

At least 3 trips will be made by the Kendal van. In addition quite a few residents with cars will be driving. 

Need a ride? Contact Martin Smolin or Annette Leyden. 

Ride, run or walk but get there! Vote!



The Horticulture Committee has some new leadership.

Taking over for Joan Levine, who chaired the Committee for many years, will be Anna Mae O'Leary as Chair and Treasurer and Peter Davies who will assist her as Co-Chair and Secretary.

Annette Layden will continue to be responsible for cultivating the Healing Garden.

The Committee suggests to those with Terrace planters that now is the time to tidy up and "put them to bed" until next season. 

We all owe Joan a debt of gratitude for keeping Kendal as beautiful as it is. 

Don't Get Hooked!


All of us at Kendal recently received a note from Exec. Director Pat Doyle about computer criminals who are trying to get your Social Security number, your bank account number, your computer passwords, or your address book in order to steal from you and others. This process is called "phishing."  

They do it by trying to pass themselves off as your friends, relatives, etc. through sending you what looks like legitimate messages. Their illegitimate methods are hard to detect. As Pat pointed out, even "real" e-mails could be fake so all messages should be questioned. If you get one from a friend or relative, call them up to see if they really sent you something. 

Play it safe. Anything with even an iota of being a "phishing" expedition should be immediately deleted. Don't get sucked into giving it a look and taking the hook.

Don't get hooked by a criminal "phisher." Play it safe. DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!

Staff Appreciation Fund

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The 18th Century English author Joseph Addison once wrote, “There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance.”

As we approach the holiday season, it is time for us to show our appreciation and gratitude to the Kendal staff who have served us so well this past year.

Twice a year, in November and May, we have the opportunity to give thanks to the staff members who have made our lives better and more pleasurable. At Kendal, as you know, there is no tipping. Instead we ask you to contribute to the Staff Appreciation Fund, the contents of which will be shared with the staff at a holiday party based on the number of hours each has worked during the last six months.

In order to contribute:

                    *Beginning Nov. 1, place your check for $175 ($350 for a couple) in a special box at the front desk in the Mary Powell Building.

                     * Gifts in larger amounts are gratefully welcomed and accepted.  

The Staff Appreciation Fund is the easiest and most efficient way for us to say “Thank you” to the Staff for all that they have done and are doing for us on a daily basis.

Please write your check today for as much as you can. Make it payable to KOH Residents Association and put Staff Appreciation Fund in the memo line. As Addison said, you will receive a great “inward satisfaction” by thanking the wonderful people who make up the Kendal staff.


Remembering Jane Creel


A celebration of the life of Kendal resident Jane Creel will be held on Saturday, November 4, at 3:00 pm. 

Though in a wheelchair, Jane always had a smile and emanated joy. She had an outstanding life. If you don't know about her background please attend that event which will take place in 4th floor lobby of the Alida building. You will hear about her outstanding accomplishments  and the lives she touched.

To add to the celebration you are requested to wear something bright to honor Jane. 

Faith Group Video Showing

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The Faith Group would like to invite all to view a 57 minute video featuring a discussion between Bill Moyers and Salman Rushdie talking about the impact of 9/11, tension between moderate and radical Islam, and the need to hold the line on fundamentalism.

This Faith Group meeting will take place on Thursday, Nov. 2, in the Gathering Room at 10:00 am.

All are welcome. 

Questions? Contact Gene DuBow.