
Great things are happening at Kendal. 

The Trips Committee's visit to the Met Museum to see the Michelangelo exhibition is scheduled for Dec. 13. An informal talk on the subject will be given on Dec. 11 by Ann Holloway in the Private Dining Room at 4:00 pm. 

Our own Bill McFeely, plus Jim Goodman and Melissa Cooper will talk about the history of Sapilo Island, Georgia and its remarkable history.  Monday, Dec. 4 at 7:30 pm in the Gathering Room.

"A Tale of Two Flags" presentation about restoring flags of the War of 1812 will be given by Deborah Trupin on Friday, Dec. 8 at 2:00 pm in the Gathering Room. 

Space is still available for participation in the 2018 Great Decisions Program. Questions? See John Sorice. 

2018 Concert Series


The plans for Kendal's Concert 2018 Series are well underway. The Music Committee under the co-chairpersonship of Bert Pepper and Fran Kelly have booked programs featuring a steel drum band, a piano/harpsichord concert and a jazz presentation among others. 

To start off things, on Jan. 7 we will welcome the Steel Passion Steel Drum band and on Jan. 21 Tommy Mesa will play the cello with piano accompaniment. All concerts (unless otherwise noted) take place on Sundays at 3:00 pm in the Gathering Room. They are followed by a reception which gives the residents a chance to mingle and talk with the performing artists. 

Further details are in Spotlight

Great Books


Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent, recognized as the granddaddy of all spy novels, will be discussed on Dec. 6 and again on Dec.7 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm in the Residents Association Office.

Each session is limited to 12 people. Contact Lois Seulowitz if you want to participate. 

You can bring a cloak and dagger with you to get into the swing of things. 


New Year's Eve Celebration

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Get ready! The big Kendal New Year's Eve celebration is right around the corner. 

Since NYE comes on a Sunday, there will not be a dinner that night. However, residents will be provided with shrimp cocktail, smoked salmon with capers and fresh dinner rolls. 

The grand and glorious NYE show begins at 8:00 pm and followed by a reception in the Residents Lounge with champagne and other drinkables. Sally and Joe Costa once again head the Reception Committee.

With Muriel Fox's show and the Costa reception we should have a great time welcoming in the New Year.

There are more details in Spotlight.

Staff Appreciation Fund Homestretch Drive


The Staff Appreciation Fund Drive is almost at the finish line. 

The results thus far tell us that we are close to a record due to the generosity of  the Kendal resident population. If you have already made a gift, the Fund co-chairs Marilyn Bottjer and Gene DuBow thank you. Your cooperation has been outstanding

The collection box is still available at the Main Desk for those who have not yet contributed. 

The staff will be receiving the gratitude checks at a party they have in early  December.


A Fascinating Evening

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On Dec. 4 Kendal's own Bill McFeely, a retired professor at  the University of Georgia, will bring Melissa Cooper and Jim Goodman to Kendal to give a talk on "Making Gullah: Sapelo Island and Sapelo's People." They will focus on the Hog Hammock Community. What's it all about? 

Many of the full-time inhabitants of the Hog Hammock Community are African Americans known as Gullah-Geechees, descendants of enslaved West African people brought to the island in the 1700s and 1800s to work on island plantations. The current population of full-time Gullah-Geechee residents in the community is estimated to be 47 (2009). The residents must bring all supplies from the mainland or purchase them in the small store on the island. The children of Hog Hammock take the ferry to the mainland and then take a bus to school, as the island school closed in 1978.

Hog Hammock is also home to the Sapelo Island Cultural and Revitalization Society, Inc. (SICARS), a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and revitalize the Hogg Hummock Community. SICARS was founded in 1993 by Hogg Hammock residents and non-resident descendants who wanted to enhance the future of their community by educating all visitors to the island about the history and to increase awareness that Sapelo has existed as an African community for over 200 years.

This should be one of the most fascinating programs of the year.

It is Monday, Dec. 4 in the Gathering Room at 7:30 pm.

Student Concert at Kendal

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The final Kendal concert of 2017 will feature seven aspiring musical artists performing on bass, cello, clarinet, oboe, viola, and violin. Studying under the excellent supervision of Purchase faculty member Deborah Buck, they will be playing pieces by Bach and Prokofiev.

This is an opportunity to see the future of classical music performance. It should be exciting.

The concert is in the Gathering Room Sunday, Dec. 3 at 3:00 pm. 

All are invited.  

News about Vitality Programs from Ellen Woods


To All:  Please click here for the calendar of December Vitality events.

Just a reminder that there is no Breakfast Club in the month of December.  The January Breakfast Club topic will be pulmonology and presented by Dr. Thau. 

We will be offering another Spirituality program in December.  The topic is “If There is a God, Why is There Evil?”  It will be a very interesting discussion led by the Reverend Dr. Carole Johannsen who is well known in the community for her thought-provoking conversations.  Click here for the flyer for it.

Finally, the Vitality holiday party is Tuesday, December 19th from 11:00am-2:00pm at the James House.  Click here for the Holiday Event flyer.  As our numbers are growing, it is critical that I have a solid feel for how many will be attending the event.  Therefore, I asked that you RSVP to me by Monday, December 11th. 

Please note the time change for the December Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group.  It will meet on the same day in the same location but the time has been changed to 1:30-3:00pm.

As we close begin to close out 2017, I’m pleased to announce that Phelps will begin a pain management program early next year.  It will complement the services of our Pain Center and focus on education and complementary medicine techniques to help alleviate residual, chronic pain.  More information about the program will be forthcoming in the next several weeks.

Thank you and I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

Ellen Woods, Program Manager, Vitality, Phelps Memorial Hospital, 701 North Broadway,    Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591.  Tel: 914-366-3937  Email:, Northwell Health  Visit: