Kendal View

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Writers, photographers and poets are needed by Kendal View, our in-house magazine. 

KV is published six times a year with articles and photos from our own residents. The KV editors Norman Sissman and Pat Taylor would welcome submissions, whether they be reminiscences, fiction, non-fiction opinion pieces, history, photographs or art work. All varieties are welcome.  Editorial help is available if needed.

No need to go through any process. If you have something that should be in KV, just email it to either Norman or Pat or leave it in one of their cubbies. 

Here's your chance to use your writing or your artistic ability and have it recognized. 

Coffee With a Cop

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Here's something that doesn't come our way every day, a chance to have a cup of coffee with one (or several) members of the Sleepy Hollow Police Department.

The Residents Council is sponsoring a program with our local police to give residents a chance to meet and talk informally with representatives of the S.H.P.D. --- and you don't have to get arrested to do it. This opportunity is part of an international program for people to get to meet the men in blue who keep us safe. 

This rare opportunity takes place on Friday, January 26th at 10 am in the Private Dining Room.

There is only room for 30 participants so you have to sign up (after Jan. 15th) at the Trips Table opposite the Computer Room. 

New Trip Announced

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Winter weather or not, the Trips Committee has scheduled a great new trip. This one is to the Jewish Museum in New York for participants to see "Modigliani Unmasked," an exhibition of early drawings which illuminate his Italian Sephardic heritage.

The excursion is planned for Thursday, January 25. Sign up at the usual spot opposite the Computer Room.