New Trip

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The Trips Committee has added a new trip for March.

On Wednesday, March 7 a trip to the American Museum of Natural History, Rose Center for Earth and Space's Hayden Planetarium  in NY will present "A Space Show: Dark Universe."  Details can be obtained from this week's Spotlight.

There are also short wait lists for the Feb. 7 trip to the NY Historical Society and the Feb. 14 excursion to The Guggenheim.

Sign-up for all trips can be made in the Activities Alcove opposite the Computer Room.

New Resident

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Let's roll out the welcome mat for new resident Camille Hopkins. Camille is moving to Kendal from Bronxville; however, she lived in Chappaqua previously and knows many of our residents who lived there as well. 

Camille has three daughters and several grandchildren. No doubt we will be seeing many visitors who are members of her family.

Great Decisions Program

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Because of the cancellation of all programs due to the GI virus protocols, the January 22 session of the Great Decisions program had to be cancelled. However, the rest of the dates will not be changed, and we will open up on Monday Feb. 5 at 10 am with a presentation and discussion of "Waning of Pax Americana?"

Participants will find the Great Decisions discussion guide in their cubbies shortly. It is recommended that they read the approriate section in anticipation of the discussion. 

Questions should be addressed to John Sorice. 


GI Problem Update on Channel 1970

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In order to update all residents regarding the GI virus problem we are experiencing, a summary and recap of all the written communications issued on the current virus, presented by Pat Doyle, can be viewed on channel 1970.  We urge all residents to view this 20 minute talk.

It is being shown round-the clock.

If you want the latest news covering all aspects of the problem, make sure you tune in to KoH TV Channel 1970 which is available on all our TV sets.

Kendal Dining


With the Bistro and other Kendal dining areas to re-open shortly, there is an opportunity to have input into what is being served.

On Monday, January 29, the Culinary Committee will meet in the Private Dining Room at 2:00 pm

Bring along your ideas about what it is you want to find on our menus. You will have an opportunity to "interface" with the culinary staff. 

New Trips Available


The Trips Committee announced two new February excursions.

There will be a Feb. 7 trip to the New York Historical Society.  Special exhibitions focus on the 100th anniversary of  women's right to vote and the Viet Nam War 1945-1975. 

On Feb. 14 a group will be able to visit the Guggenheim to see "Josef Albers in Mexico," an exhibition of little-known photographs and collages of Mexico's archaeological sites and monuments. 

In addition a Brancusi exhibition will be shown.

Sign up for both trips is available in the Trip Book located in the Activities Alcove opposite the Computer Room. 

Flu Prevention

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When several residents came down with a GI virus and two with upper respiratory flu, KoH Management and the Residents Association decided to take sensible precautionary measures to stem the spread.

 The Bistro was closed for dining. Take-out was instituted for independent residents.  For those residing in Adirondack, meal service is taking place in the country kitchen.  Sunnyside and Clearwater residents continue to dine in their respective dining rooms as usual.  The Resident Association, to discourage further spread of any illness, has canceled group activities and Committee meetings.  Signage has been posted restricting casual visitors and requesting that only immediate family members and designated parties visit for the time being. 

Follow-up notes are being distributed to all residents to keep them up to date on the situation. 

It was decided that these precautions would be in place until Monday morning Jan. 15 when a decision will be made as to whether or not it is safe to resume normal activities.