2018 Courses


The Education Committee announced the following courses for 2018:

March: Genesis II with Michael Malina

April: Democracy in Disarray with Dr. Yoel Magid

May: Leonardo da Vinci with Ann Holloway & Jeff O'Donnell

May: Music Course with Michael Boriskin

June: Impressionism with Jill Kiefer

July: Modern Theater with Kate Farrington

Sept: Film Course with Walter Srebnick

Oct: World Affairs with Jean-Marc Oppenheim

Nov: Asia Headlines with Marjorie Miller

Exact dates can be found in the Feb. 12 edition of Spotlight.

New Trip


The Trips Committee has planned another outstanding excursion for Kendal residents.

On Wed., March 14 a group will visit the William Louis-Dreyfus Foundation in Mt. Kisco. The Foundation will offer a tour of its modern and contemporary collection which contains over 3,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures by more that 225 artists. The works were acquired by businessman, lawyer, poet and art collector William Louis-Dreyfus.

Details are available in the Feb 12 edition of Spotlight.

Sign up in the Trips Book located in the Activities Alcove opposite the Computer Room. 

Space is still available for the Feb. 28  NYC "Do Your Own Thing" trip. 

P.S. The picture above is Mr. Louis-Dreyfus and some of his collection.

Concert Schedule


The Music Committee has announced the dates for its upcoming concerts. They are:

Sun., Feb. 25  Bard College Ensemble with musicologist Christopher Gibbs

Sun., Mar. 18  Avery Ensemble

Sun., Apr. 15  Anthony Newman, piano/harpsichord

Sun., Apr 29  Cuatro Puntos

Sun., May 6  Meta Lau, piano

Sun., May 13  Tommy Mesa, cello (Mother's Day Concert)

Sun., June 3  Sleepy Hollow High School Jazz Ensemble

Sun., June 10, Catherine Nesbit, Student Recital

Sun., Aug. 12  Mark Morganelli Jazz Forum All-Stars

Sat., Sept. 22  The Merling Trio (7:30 pm)

Fri, Oct. 12  REBEL Early Music Ensemble (7:30 pm) 

The recital featuring singer Sandra Summer-Parks has been rescheduled for Wed., Feb. 28 at 2:00 pm in the Gathering Room.  

Digital Device Help

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If you need help with any of your digital devices (computers, tablets, phones, etc.) the Computer Commttee is here to assist you.

On Saturday, Feb. 10 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm assistance will be available in your apartment or in the Residents Association Office (RAO) on the C Level in the Powell Bldg. 

You can sign up for help on a sheet in the Activities Alcove opposite the Computer Room. 

Questions? Contact Caroline Persell or Peter Bermas.

Return to Normal


For 3 weeks Kendal had been on what many called a "lockdown" because of the possible spread of a very nasty GI virus. There were no meetings, lectures or movies. Meals were provided in take out "clamshells" and bags and had to be eaten in residents' apartments. With the slight relaxation of the rules, movies were again shown in the Gathering Room with the imposition of the "sit with a spare seat in-between" rule. 

On Monday, January 29, after enough days had passed without new cases of the illness, the Westchester Health Authorities removed all the restrictions and Kendal returned to normal. 

There was a campus-wide sigh of relief emenating from both  residents and staff as "real life" resumed. 

New Trip Announced

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Unhappily, the Feb. 4 trip to the Jewish Museum had to be canceled.


A new trip, a Feb. 28 "Do your own thing" excursion to New York City with a drop off at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is now being offered. 

Sign up sheets are in the Trips Book located in the Activities Alcove across from the Computer Room.

Note: There are short waiting lists for the Feb. 7 NYC Historical Society trip and the one planned for March 7 to the American Museum of Natural History. 

Partial Return to Normal Activities


Kendal has been under a suspension of normal resident activities to avoid the spread of a nasty GI virus. On Friday, January 26, a partial lifting of the limitations was announced. Movies in the Gathering Room were restored.

It is hoped that if a sufficient number of days pass without a new case, a full restoration will take place and Kendal will be back to normal. 

Daily Sara Quick (telephone) messages are being sent by management to update residents regarding the situation.