Trips News


The ever-active Trips Committee has announced a new trip for April. This excursion will take the group to the Katonah Museum on April 18 for a showing of "Long Winding Journeys: Contemporary Art and the Islamic Tradition. Sign-up as usual, is in the Activities Alcove.

The March 7 trip to the Hayden Planetarium had to be cancelled because of the snow storm. It will now take place in June. Signing up (or re-signing up) is required. 

Space is available (or short wait list) for the March 28 trip to the Museum of the City of New York York. 

Ditto for the April 4 "DYOT" to NYC. 

Democracy in Disarray


On four Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in April (4/3, 4/10, 4/17 & 4/24) a course on "Democracy in Disarray" will be offered by Dr. Joel Magid, Ph.D. 

Dr. Magid will cover how some other democracies compare with our own and the crises all seem to be facing. 

Tuition is $45 for the four sessions. Sign-up sheets are available in the Activities Alcove. 

More information is available from Fran Kelly. 


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The annual KoH Passover Seder will take place on Friday, March 30 at 5:30 pm.

The event is open to all residents, Jews and non-Jews alike.

To participate, one must sign up at the Activities Alcove. There will be a $10 charge to cover expenses. Checks should be made out to Robert M. Sanders and put in his cubby. 

Seating is limited to 32. Immediate sign-up is suggested. 

Happy Matzohs!

New Trip

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The Trips Committee, like Old Man River, just keeps rolling along with new and interesting excursions.

On Wed. March 28 there will be a trip to the Museum of the City of New York where a docent tour of Beyond Suffrage: A Century of New York Women in Politics, among other exhibitions, will be featured.

Sign up as usual in the Activities Alcove opposite the Computer Room.

An Important Date

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On Friday afternoon May 11, Kendal will celebrate the 13th anniversary of its opening.

This will be the last time our Executive Director Pat Doyle will be with us in that capacity as she is retiring later in the year. 

We hope that all residents, old and new, will join together to "Celebrate Community" and start the process of telling Pat how important she has been in all our lives. 

Please mark your calendar now. May  11. Plan to attend.