Booster Vaccine Information

Thursday, October 14, 2021

COVID Update from Administration and
COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Clinic Information

The CDC recommends that the following groups should receive a booster dose of Pfizer- BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine at least six months after completing their Pfizer-BioNTech primary vaccine series:

• People aged 65 years and older

• Residents aged 18 and older in long-term care settings

• People aged 50-64 years old with underlying medical conditions

Booster clinics will be held for all residents at Kendal on the following dates:

Thursday, October 28
Wednesday, November 3
Thursday, November 4

• Vaccines will be administered by a pharmacist from Hudson Pharmacy.

• Vaccines are available to those who have completed the Pfizer (not Moderna or J&J)
vaccination series.

• Clearwater, Adirondack and Sunnyside residents will be scheduled for the morning of
Thursday, October 28. This will be coordinated by the care team of each

• Independent Living residents will be scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday,
October 28 and on the November dates listed above.

• Independent Living residents will receive a call in the next week from Kendal’s Resident Services Department to ask if they wish to be placed on the list for a Booster.

• Clinic dates and times will be assigned to Independent Living residents. They will receive information in their cubbies regarding their specific time/date/location prior to the clinic date. Please bring your COVID vaccination card to your appointment.

• Residents who go elsewhere for their Booster are asked to bring an updated copy of their vaccination cards to the Resident Care Center so that we may retain a copy in their records.

Jigsaw Puzzle

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Joyful Inauguration of the Alida Jigsaw Puzzle Table

The long-awaited jigsaw puzzle table arrived on Saturday, October 10, and was immediately put to use. Puzzles had been donated in the meantime, and the following day a group of enthusiastic players celebrated with libations and nibbles and completed the first puzzle in record time.

The Alida puzzlers thank Marilyn Bottjer and CAFA for their support and for finding a suitable table and chairs.

KoH residents and their guests are invited to apply their skills on Alida’s first floor near the elevator.



Thursday Trips

Due to the large number of places closed on Wednesdays in the winter season, the Trips Committee has gotten permission to offer Thursday trips for sites that aren’t open Wednesdays but do operate on Thursdays.

New Trips

Thursday, November 4, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers. Exhibitions include: Richard Haas - “Circles of Space,” the relationship between abstraction, color theory and the geometry of the universe; Jack Stuppin - “The Beginning of My World,” oil paintings of vibrant landscapes; “Landscape Art and Virtual Travel,” over 100 small paintings hung together; “African American Art in the 20th Century”; and Jamel Robinson - “Beauty from Ashes,” the Black Experience. The Experience was inspired by the previous exhibition.

The Riverama is closed, and Glenview house is closed to groups, but individuals may take the 1 pm tour; the Planetarium is open Saturdays and Sundays.

Thursday, November 18, Frances Lehman Loeb Gallery, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Guided tour of the gallery including: “American Impressions: A Nation in Prints,” focusing on its own collection; “Changing Forms: Metamorphosis in Myth, Art and Nature,” in the Netherlands in the late 17th century; and “Celebrating Dante at Vassar,” 700th anniversary of the Italian poet who wrote The Divine Comedy.

Short Wait List

Wednesday, November 10, NYC Do Your Own Thing with drop off at the American Museum of Natural History, Manhattan. Explore the special exhibitions — “The Nature of Color”; “Sea Lions: Life by a Whisker” and “Worlds Beyond Earth” — and the reopened Hall of Gems and Minerals, or do something else.

PACE Nursing Students Emergency Bag Project

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A group of eight accelerated nursing students from PACE University are completing a rotation at Kendal on Thursdays during the Fall semester, now through December. 

The focus of their experience is community-based nursing.  We have asked that while here they assist us in ensuring each resident has an up-to-date emergency bag in their apartment should it ever be needed for emergency medical response personnel. 

Beginning Thursday, October 21, the students will be going apartment to apartment to check bags. 

They will make rounds by building and hallway as a group.  Visits will be unscheduled.  They will be with their instructor and will be easily identifiable with their blue PACE uniforms.  We encourage you to invite them in to check your bag but you are not obligated to do so.  If you would like to ask them to return at a different time, they will be happy to return when it is more convenient. If you have any questions about this project please reach out to Kim Carpentier by calling the RCC main number or Lisa Wacht.

New Year’s Eve Party

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A message from its producer Muriel Fox:

“Our fabled New Year’s Eve celebration is coming back this year!

“Can you sing or dance? Can you write funny short skits or other humorous material? Performers and writers are urged to contact producer Muriel Fox as soon as possible to help prepare for the extravaganza that’s considered KoH’s most dazzling event of the year. 

“If you can join the party committee providing food and decorations for our Champagne and Caviar Reception, contact Sally Costa.

“The Covid-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of last year’s celebration, but this year’s festivities are promised for 8 pm on December 31 in the Gathering Room.  They’ll include songs by the Kendal Singers, humor from the Kendal Players, and a countdown of our glittering New Year’s Eve ball at “Kendal Midnight,” which is 9 pm, of course. Get your festive outfits and jewelry ready! Men are encouraged to wear Black Tie if their tuxedo still fits.”

Wine & Cheese Returns

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Kendal’s Wine & Cheese “Happy Hour” is Back!

After a long hiatus caused by Covid-19, residents are delighted that Dining Services and the Residents Association have reinstated the twice-weekly wine & cheese receptions. They take place every Wednesday and Friday from 5 pm to 6 pm in the Gathering Room, which provides more space for the beloved events than the previously utilized Residents Lounge.

Along with the wine, tasty snacks are being provided by Dining Director Fred Coppola and Chef Cliff Saladin.

Zoom Lecture: Restorative Justice

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On October 11 at 7:30 pm, the Education Committee will welcome Professor Robert Sand to talk on “Restorative Justice,” which is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior. It recognizes that crime hurts everyone – victims, offenders, and community.

In this Zoom talk, Professor Sand will compare and contrast our conventional responses to harm and crime with the ancient and new restorative approaches. Residents will be asked to consider what the best ways are to achieve true justice.

Robert L. Sand, son of former Kendal residents Judge Leonard Sand and Ann Sand, joined the Vermont Law School faculty full-time in 2016, having served as the Vermont Governor’s Liaison to Criminal Justice Programs; as the former elected State’s Attorney for Windsor County, Vermont, a position he held for 15 years; and as a visiting professor of criminal law at Vermont Law School.

Professor Sand is a 1980 graduate of Hamilton College and a 1987 graduate of Vermont Law School, magna cum laude, where he served as the managing editor of the Vermont Law Review.

Kendal Update


On October 6, the following update was received from Pamela Klapproth, Kendal on Hudson’s Executive Director

Dear Residents,

We understand there may be some slight confusion regarding the “Coffee Chats with Pamela” and “The Kendal Forum”, both meetings which occur monthly. The Coffee Chats are meant to be an informal conversation with coffee and treats, where residents can ask Pamela any questions they have about the community. The Kendal Forum is a topic-based discussion or presentation typically based on either a department or a speaker. Both are important and unique in their own nature, and we hope you can continue to join us for October’s Coffee Chat and Kendal Forum.

We also wanted to provide you with an update following our last Coffee Chat at the end of September.

- Caller ID/Phone System: the equipment has been selected and ordered. However, due to manufacturing delays through the tech industry, they are delayed. We do not have an anticipated delivery date but will update the community when we have more information.

- Solar Panels: We have included this in our 2022 Capital Budget. We plan to analyze and see what is logistically possible.

- Recycling: Approved Waste is the vendor that takes all our trash and recycling. Kendal is required to recycle and separate the waste; however, the current centers are no longer taking the recycled waste and recycling it but rather are combining it with municipal waste. They are taking cardboard separately. The co-mingling is due in part to the reduced market for recyclables.

- Longer hours for Pool/Fitness Center: Effective Monday, October 11, the Pool and Fitness Center will be open until 3:30 pm Monday through Friday. In addition, the morning pool hours will be extended until 12:00 noon.

November Election

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The November Election is almost upon us. In order to understand what is to be voted on, there is The League of Women Voters which has posted its Voters’ Guide online at VOTE411. There is also a printed guide.

Our electoral experts at Kendal let us know that they found the guide a bit difficult to use, but all should take a look for a list of the pros and cons of five ballot proposals, which are important for Kendal residents to cast a vote on.

A few copies of the League’s brochure are on the mail ledge near the cubbies.

For further information, call Martin Smolin or Annette Leyden.