Residents Tours Return

News! Resident Tours Return.

Tours for new residents were suspended in 2019 due to Covid-19. Since then, more than 80 new residents have moved in. There’s so much to find out. Where’s the Healing Garden, and how do I get there? What’s the way to the terrace without climbing or descending stairs? Where’s the ping pong table?

We have many tour guides and will schedule tours for all interested residents. Call Iris Sampliner or Jo-Ann Rapaport, if you wish to take a tour of Kendal.

Orchid Show Trip Scheduled

On Wednesday, March 16 there will be a trip to the Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.

Entitled “Kaleidoscope”, it involves dramatic floral creations by Jeff Leatham, artistic director of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris.

On view are thousands of orchids arranged by color and in towers in the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory galleries, and a kaleidoscopic tunnel of lights.

Sign up in the Trips Book at the Front Desk.

A Geriatrician’s Approach to Memory Loss (Part 2)

On Friday, February 18, at 10:00 am on ZOOM,
Dr. Syna Kandarappallil will present “A Geriatrician’s Approach to Memory Loss (Part 2).

In Part 1, Dr. K talked about normal and abnormal age-related memory loss. In Part 2, she will discuss treatment options that are available to us.

Please join us for what promises to be a very stimulating and informative talk.

Watch your e-mailbox for a ZOOM invitation to join the lecture.

Negotiating Earthcare

On Monday night February 14, at 7:30 pm, Kendal will present its own Nick Robinson who will talk on “Negotiating Earthcare.”

Mother Earth needs more than just Valentines today. The UN Secretary- General says, “Humanity is waging war on nature. This is senseless and suicidal.” Pathways for “making peace with nature” do exist.

Through the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), governments took actions to reverse environmental degradation at the World Conservation Congress in France last September, followed by UN conferences in China on biodiversity and in Scotland on climate change. A crucial UN Environment Assembly convenes on February 28 in Kenya. A lot is at stake.

Nick Robinson participated in person in the IUCN Congress and virtually in the other meetings. He will take stock of what has been achieved since he attended the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, what was decided last fall, and what lies ahead.

His theme: how to translate our “Love of Nature” into transformative “Earthcare” by governments and individuals.

Don’t miss this timely talk in the Gathering Room on Monday at 7:30 pm.

Chamber Players of the Greenwich Symphony

On February 13, Kendal will host a concert by the Chamber Players of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra

The Chamber Players perform carefully chosen selections of both familiar composers and less well-known but noteworthy masters whom they enjoy introducing to their audiences.

For their February 13 program, the Chamber Players have chosen works by Russian composer Alexander Glazunov, Jamaican-born Eleanor Alberga, Hugo Wolf, and Robert Schumann.

The sextet includes: Zohar Schondorf, horn; Heather Braun and Susan Metcalf, violins; David Creswell, viola; Daniel Miller, cello; and Andrew Gordon, piano.

Join other Kendal residents in the Gathering Room at 3 pm for the Kendal debut performance of this splendid group of musicians.

New Trip

The Trips Committee has announced a new trip for Wednesday, March 2 to the Brant Foundation in Greenwich, CT.

The exhibition will feature the first comprehensive survey of David Salle’s paintings in 20 years. There will be 40 works from Peter Brant’s collection, museums, and international private collections. It will continue until April 1. 

As the critic Deborah Solomon wrote, “Salle’s paintings are often structured in musical fashion with repetition and variation between parts and the creation of imagistic chords”.

The KoH Annual Appeal

THE Kendal on Hudson Annual Appeal letters are now in cubbies, and the 2022 Annual Appeal is underway.

Each February we ask that you contribute to the Residents Association’s general fund to support Residents Council committees, activities, and entertainments that enrich and enhance our life at Kendal.

In addition to supporting resident activities, a significant portion of the funds received is donated to selected not-for-profit organizations in our Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown community in accordance with our Values and Practices.

Your generosity makes it all possible.

The 2022 Annual Appeal Committee (Suzanne Adel, Gretchen Engler, Muriel Fox, Mary Alice Walker)

Saturday Opera

The very popular Kendal Saturday Opera Program continues this coming Saturday.

The next performance will be Turandot by Giacomo Puccini .

The principal singers are Eva Marton, Placido Domingo, Leona Mitchell and Paul Plishka in a production by Franco Zeffirelli. The 1989 performance by the Metropolitan Opera was conducted by James Levine.

Residents are welcome to join in the Gathering Room on February 12 at 1:00 pm, and don’t forget to wear your mask.


The Computer Committee is pleased to announce ZOOM NEIGHBORS 2022.

If you need a neighbor to help with one of those frustrating Zoom moments that require immediate attention:

Perhaps you can’t find a Zoom invitation; or
in a Zoom meeting, you thought you raised
your hand but it won’t stay up, etc.

When these frustrating moments arise, you can call on these ZOOM NEIGHBORS:

Stan Amberg
Sheila Darnborough
Lailani Moody
Jeff O’Donnell (use his cell)
Roberta Poupon

Also, if you are already comfortable on Zoom and would like to add your name to the ZOOM NEIGHBORS 2022 list, please contact Roberta.