Box-Making Workshop

Not all boxes are machine-made. You’ll find that out by attending the Box-making Workshop on Thursday, February 17, and Friday, February 18, 2 pm - 4 pm.

 You are welcome to come to the Art Room for a chance to make a small paper-covered box with a lid. We will first construct the box from pre-cut pieces, then choose a fancy paper for covering.

All materials will be provided, but residents are welcome to bring paper of their own choice, as long as it is at least 15 inches long and 12 inches wide. Smaller contrasting pieces will be used for the top and base.

The techniques learned can also be applied to covering other things, such as old shoe boxes, to make them artistic additions to your shelves.

The class will be led by resident Pam Mitchell, an amateur bookbinder who recently became interested in making boxes. Lynn Brady will be assisting. Class is limited to 6. Sign up with Lynn.

Play Reading Group Forming

A Play-Reading Group is forming.

If you are interested in getting together regularly to read a variety of plays, here’s your chance.

We’re planning NON-productions (i.e. seated around a table) in the Riverview Conference Room in the evenings after dinner. If you’d like to participate, please contact Jon Masters or Sharry Lukach.

This should be a lot of fun. Close your eyes and you’ll feel as if you’re on Broadway.

The Residents’ Website promises you top-flight, 5-star reviews.

February & March Trips.

February and March Trips have been announced by Trips Committee Chair Jan Myers.

Thursday, February 3: Jewish Museum, Manhattan

Saturday, February 19: Frick Madison, Manhattan (Trip 1)

Thursday, February 24: Frick Madison, Manhattan (Trip 2)

Wednesday, March 2: Brant Foundation, Greenwich, CT

Saturday, March 12: Strauss’ Ariadne auf Naxos, Met Opera HD Live, White Plains

Wednesday, March 16: Orchid Show, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx

Please note that the Trips Book is now on the desk at the front entrance.

Computer Committee News

The Computer Committee, in response to your requests, is announcing several  Zoom Workshops, each about 30 minutes long.

February 4, 2 pm: IPHONES & IPADS: HOW & WHY TO ADD BOOKMARKS. Do you use an IPad or IPhone? Do you have a favorite websites? Want to get to those websites quickly and easily? This workshop will be taught by Jeff O’Donnell.

You will receive a Zoom Invitation from Stan Amberg by February 3 and a reminder February 4. (If you do not receive it and want to attend, contact Stan.)

Other Zoom Workshops, dates and times to be determined:

iPHONES: how to share photos in emails and text mesages;

CELLPHONES (NON-iPHONES): how and why to add bookmarks.

We encourage you to  request workshops on other subjects.

Contact Joe Bruno.

New Course: The American Musical & the Pulitzer Prize.

The Education Committee announced its March Course: “The American Musical and the Pulitzer Prize.”

Only 10 musicals have won the prestigious Pulitzer for Drama. What made these musicals “drama” and worthy of exceptional notice? On Tuesday, March 1, 8, 15 and 22, award-winning stage actor Meg Bussert will give an overview of these remarkable shows and provide an in-depth look at three:  Of Thee I Sing, South Pacific, and Fiorello.

Sign-up sheets will be distributed in early February.

The course leader Meg Bussert is a recently retired Associate Professor of Acting and Music Theatre Studies at NYU Steinhardt’s Vocal Performance Program.

Questions? See Fran Kelly.

Restoring a Living River

On Monday, January 31, at 7:30 pm, via Zoom, Tracy Brown will talk about “Restoring a Living River.”

For over half a century, the environmental organization Riverkeeper has been protecting and restoring the Hudson River from source to sea. What began as a small group of fishermen has grown into one of the region’s leading voices for clean water.

In the fall of 2021, Tracy Brown took the helm as Riverkeeper’s new President bringing her scientifically grounded and community-driven approach to bear in meeting the challenges of pollution, habitat loss, and climate change. In this talk she will share stories, lessons learned, and information about Riverkeeper’s current priorities, and how you can get involved to support the cause of clean water.

Residents are invited to join in for this talk on January 31. A Zoom invitation will be sent to all.

Life Goes On

Life Goes On

All of us here are well aware of the fact that we are living in a difficult time. Though it requires disruptions of normal living patterns, life at Kendal goes on as normally as possible. Actually, we’re doing fine.

Though, for our own good, we're not yet back to dining with one another (maybe next week we are told), the high quality of our meals has remained constant our residents report.

The apartments continue to get cleaned and the linens changed. Our residents are promised the yearly full-service cleaning for those who have not had it done in the last 12 months.

The Residents Council continues its meetings and has even formed a mixed group of residents and staff to discuss the quality of the relationship between the two groups.

We've had our first couple of small snowstorms. The snow removal company that takes care of the roads and paths has kept us pretty mobile for those that want to brave the chilly winds.   

The staff at the Fitness Center is doing their utmost to see that residents get their exercise. Cold weather keeps people indoors.

There is lots more to report, but the message is that life goes on at Kendal in as normal a fashion as possible. We're doing fine. Hope the same applies to you.

Fire Safety

One of the most important pieces of information residents should have is what to do in case of a fire. Kendal is built to lessen the possibility of fires and fire damage, but one never knows. In the recent disastrous Bronx fire where 19 people died, all the deaths actually came from smoke poisoning and not fire itself.

Kendal will hold a Forum on Fire Safety via Zoom on Monday at 1:00 pm.

We are fortunate in having on hand our Director of Facilities Bob Michael, who is well-trained in this matter, to address the group and answer questions.

All residents are strongly encouraged to attend the session.

February's Give & Take Table

The arrival of February’s Give & Take Table is almost upon us.

Kendal’s popular recycling venue will be “up and running” again from Tuesday, February 1, until and including Monday, February 8.

Please bring your new and gently used household items, tchotchkes, books, CDs, and jewelry, but no clothing, no shoes, no sharp objects, no broken stuff, to the Terrace level between the Residents Care Center and the PT/OT room.

Continuing our pilot project to turn clean and rinsed redeemable bottles and cans into cash, a box will be provided to collect them. The Environmental Sustainability Committee will try to find a solution to avoid having to keep empties in apartments for as long as a month.