Box-Making Workshop

Not all boxes are machine-made. You’ll find that out by attending the Box-making Workshop on Thursday, February 17, and Friday, February 18, 2 pm - 4 pm.

 You are welcome to come to the Art Room for a chance to make a small paper-covered box with a lid. We will first construct the box from pre-cut pieces, then choose a fancy paper for covering.

All materials will be provided, but residents are welcome to bring paper of their own choice, as long as it is at least 15 inches long and 12 inches wide. Smaller contrasting pieces will be used for the top and base.

The techniques learned can also be applied to covering other things, such as old shoe boxes, to make them artistic additions to your shelves.

The class will be led by resident Pam Mitchell, an amateur bookbinder who recently became interested in making boxes. Lynn Brady will be assisting. Class is limited to 6. Sign up with Lynn.