Life Goes On

Life Goes On

All of us here are well aware of the fact that we are living in a difficult time. Though it requires disruptions of normal living patterns, life at Kendal goes on as normally as possible. Actually, we’re doing fine.

Though, for our own good, we're not yet back to dining with one another (maybe next week we are told), the high quality of our meals has remained constant our residents report.

The apartments continue to get cleaned and the linens changed. Our residents are promised the yearly full-service cleaning for those who have not had it done in the last 12 months.

The Residents Council continues its meetings and has even formed a mixed group of residents and staff to discuss the quality of the relationship between the two groups.

We've had our first couple of small snowstorms. The snow removal company that takes care of the roads and paths has kept us pretty mobile for those that want to brave the chilly winds.   

The staff at the Fitness Center is doing their utmost to see that residents get their exercise. Cold weather keeps people indoors.

There is lots more to report, but the message is that life goes on at Kendal in as normal a fashion as possible. We're doing fine. Hope the same applies to you.