Successful Clothing Drive

The generosity of Kendal’s residents resulted in 22 large bags of donated clothing, shoes and accessories to benefit the National Federation of the Blind.

Three more bags were delivered by Maria Harris to the new home of the Horsemen PTA’s Community Wardrobe, now housed at the Shames Jewish Community Center in Tarrytown.

Fill-in NFB receipts are available.

We thank Wayne Richter for making the Hudson Room available as a drop-off venue and particularly Taylor Dawson, the Marketing staff, and Ellen Ottstadt for their invaluable help with storing the bags until they were picked up a week later.

If some of you had no time to go through your closets and wish to donate clothing for the NFB now, an individual pickup can be arranged.

Please contact Ursula Hahn.

Wednesday Art Class

Scheduled to start on April 13 but postponed due to Covid, New Course in the Art Room:


First class:

 Learn the art of relief printing

 Reproduce your own artwork using

Styrofoam and ballpoint pen.

Second class:

 Produce greeting cards or notepaper

using relief printing techniques.

Third class:

 Explore rubber-stamping design on

paper using repetitive motifs to create


Fourth class:

 Printing with a variety of media and


 Work toward a finished piece.

Registration required. Please contact Gretchen Engler.

P.S. The last Collage class will be rescheduled
as soon as possible.

Co-Pilot Program Revival

Kendal is proud to announce its Co-Pilot Program Revival.

If you were a Kendal resident pre-COVID, you know about Co-Pilots. If you have more recently joined the community, here’s an introduction:

Co-Pilots was created by residents to offer a compassionate companion to those going otherwise alone to the Phelps Hospital emergency room. The Co-Pilots’ main function is to provide a comforting presence at a difficult moment.

A Co-Pilot is provided only to those who request one. Being a Co- Pilot involves a once or twice monthly commitment to be on call for a day or night shift. It’s worth noting that calls have averaged about 20 per year since Co-Pilots began in 2008, therefore many volunteers never get called.

We are putting together a schedule and expect to go live on June 1. Please join us in this vital service that allows our community to support each other in a very important way, day and night.

No doubt you have questions, or you may be ready to sign up. A fact sheet is forthcoming, and feel free to call one of the Co-Pilot’s coordinators:

Gretchen Engler, Overall Coordinator
Jane Hart, Night Coordinator (8 pm-8 am)
Lillian Hess, Day Coordinator (8 am-8 pm)

Wednesday Art Class Continues

Wednesday Art Class meets at 3 pm in the Art Room.

This coming week COLLAGE / ASSEMBLAGE - Combine imagery and typography from magazines and other clippings. Create a unified piece of art in your own unique style.

April 6 - Combine and incorporate disparate materials. Use texturing techniques to enhance color and form.

Registration required. Contact Gretchen Engler

News of Kendal Trips

Good weather, bad weather or Covid, Kendal’s trips program keeps chuggin’ along.


Room for more residents to sign up for the Wednesday, April 20 trip to the Aldrich Contemporary Museum, Ridgefield, CT. There are currently 10 sign-ups for a 12-passenger van; no wait list.

Saturday, April 30 - Museum of the City of New York, Manhattan; short wait list.

Saturday, May 21 - Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Met Opera HD Live, City Center Cinema, White Plains; no wait list.

The Trips Book is at the Front Desk. Opera is at the back of the book.

Library News

Not all news is good news, especially this week from the Kendal Library.

Library News

Donations: Earlier this month, someone dumped books in the library, not only in the donations bin but also all over the counter and desk, causing our volunteer staff a lot of work.

While we appreciate donations, please limit them to three-four books. For larger numbers, call Suzanne or Sally .

Books from Warner: We have noticed a large increase in the number of books requested from the Westchester Library System, including many that are in the Kendal library.

Before you order from Warner, please check the library catalog to find out if Kendal owns the book and whether it is available. The address, which can be found on page 2 of Spotlight, is

Rockefeller State Park Preserve Lecture

On Monday, April 4, at 7:30 pm, there will be a program on “Rockefeller State Park Preserve: Biodiversity and Ecological Threats.”

Josh DiPaola, Naturalist for the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, will discuss the ecological threats facing both the Preserve and contiguous habitats in the northeast.

He will emphasize the meticulous balance of considering both flora and fauna in ecosystem management and will illustrate the challenges of removing invasive flora while minimizing wildlife impact. He will cover the problems facing Rockwood Hall and what can be done about them.

Josh obtained his undergraduate degree in finance and economics from Fordham University and worked at an international investment bank for nearly a decade before realizing that his passion has always been wildlife and conservation.

Since obtaining his master’s degree in Animal Behavior and Conservation from Hunter College, he has worked at a zoo and a wildlife rehab center and also carried out research on critically endangered species in southeast Asia.

The program will be on Zoom, and all residents will receive a link.

New Kendal Marketing Video

On Sunday, April 10, residents are invited to a screening of the new KoH Marketing Video at 3 pm in the Gathering Room.

This 10-minute video is one of the outcomes of the Oral History Project initiated by the Residents Council last September.

Come learn how the project originated, meet the interviewer and videographer, and enjoy seeing Kendal from a different perspective.