Rockefeller State Park Preserve Lecture

On Monday, April 4, at 7:30 pm, there will be a program on “Rockefeller State Park Preserve: Biodiversity and Ecological Threats.”

Josh DiPaola, Naturalist for the Rockefeller State Park Preserve, will discuss the ecological threats facing both the Preserve and contiguous habitats in the northeast.

He will emphasize the meticulous balance of considering both flora and fauna in ecosystem management and will illustrate the challenges of removing invasive flora while minimizing wildlife impact. He will cover the problems facing Rockwood Hall and what can be done about them.

Josh obtained his undergraduate degree in finance and economics from Fordham University and worked at an international investment bank for nearly a decade before realizing that his passion has always been wildlife and conservation.

Since obtaining his master’s degree in Animal Behavior and Conservation from Hunter College, he has worked at a zoo and a wildlife rehab center and also carried out research on critically endangered species in southeast Asia.

The program will be on Zoom, and all residents will receive a link.