KoH residents will celebrate the Fourth of July together once again this year, under our tent on the Terrace at 5:30 pm. (In case of rain we’ll move to the Gathering Room.)

The Kendal Singers, led by Bob Singleton with accompaniment by Linda Mahoney, have added two rousing new songs to the patriotic songs in their repertory. The audience will receive printed words for singalongs.

This year’s Fourth of July show will give residents a chance to vote on the question “What should be the next Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?”

Three competing amendments will be proposed by Anne White, Eugene DuBow and Jon Masters. Muriel Fox, producer of our annual celebration, predicts a lively discussion. She points out that in our 2018 Fourth of July show our independent-minded KoH residents voted “The Star-Spangled Banner” a dismal third place as our choice for America’s national anthem.

Frank Neuwirth will read excerpts from our Declaration of Independence, and performers will recite our much-misquoted Bill of Rights.

As always, residents will have several choices for observing nearby Fourth of July fireworks. Those who are sturdy enough to climb to the hilltop of Rockwood Hall may join others in a flashlight procession at 8:30 pm. From the top of the park, one can see an unforgettable display of fireworks.

Staff Appreciation Fund

Many of you have written your check for the Staff Appreciation Fund. Your response and generosity are welcome. However, if you haven’t written that check, please:


Write that check today. Checks are payable to: KoH Residents Association, with SAF in the memo line. Please deposit them at the front desk.

What a fitting way to express our deep appreciation for the work of every staff member of our community. They make our residence at Kendal a pleasure day in, day out!

We would like to extend a special THANK YOU to several new residents who have contributed to the fund.

Jazz for All Generations Concert

Kendal will host a “Jazz for All Generations” Concert on Sunday, June 5 in the Gathering Room at 3:00 pm.

The Jazz Forum All-Stars (Mark Morganelli, flugelhorn and percussion, Roni Ben-Hur, guitar, and Eddie Monteiro, midi-accordion/vocals) joined by the Sleepy Hollow High School Jazz Combo (Tommy Black, alto saxophone, Sam Leviatin, trumpet, John Sarofeen, guitar, Luciano Lopez-Parnetti, piano, Henry Poret, bass, and Alex Louis and Derek Hamilton, drums/percussion) will entertain us with an afternoon of “Jazz for All Generations.”  

The program will be followed by a reception in the Private Dining Room.

What more could you ask for? Jazz and youth. You can already feel the energy!

Saturday Opera

Kendal’s Opera Program continues with another two-parter which will be shown on Saturday, May 28, and Sunday, May 29.

Der Rosenkavalier, the comic opera by Richard Strauss with a libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, will be shown in an October 1982 performance with Kiri Te Kanawa (Marschallin), Tatiana Troyanos(Octavian), Kurt Moll (Baron Ochs), Judith Blegen (Sophie), and Luciano Pavarotti in the small role of the Italian Singer.

The director is Nathanael Merrill, and James Levine conducts the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra.

All are invited to join in the Gathering Room at 1:00 pm on both days.

Masks are optional.

New Trip Announced

The Trips Committee, under the guidance of Lynn Brady, Co-Chair, announced that there will be a trip on Wednesday, June 15 to the Yale Center for British Art.

Participants will spend a day at Yale University Art galleries, including the Center for British Art where there is a docent tour of the British Artist Bridget Riley and her exhibit titled “Perceptual Abstraction,” an op-art exhibit. 

In another exhibit, “Marc Quinn: History Painting +”, paintings and sculptures shown alongside historical paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries, is also on view. Both exhibits were featured in the New York Times Museum section recently.

The group will spend the afternoon at the Yale University Art Gallery viewing their wonderful collection.


Save the Date - Sunday, June 19

Residents are invited to a production of Independence: The True Story of Dr. Mary Walker at 3 pm in the Gathering Room.

Actress Kathie Barnes will play the role of Dr. Mary Walker in this 70-minute production, to be followed by Q. and A. with the audience and a reception in the Private Dining Room.

Born in Oswego, NY in 1832, Dr. Mary E. Walker became one of the few women physicians in the country at that time. A Civil War surgeon, dress reform crusader, women’s rights activist, suffragist, feminist, abolitionist, and prisoner of war, Dr. Walker is the only female recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, presented to her in 1866.

The play will be dedicated to the memory of our own Civil War historian, Bill McFeely.

Nothingy Fishy About This Lecture

On Monday, May 23 at 7:30 pm, Christopher Letts will talk about the “Pajama Fish and the Big Red Barge.”

Since 1970, Chris Letts has worked on and along the Hudson River as a commercial fisherman, teacher, and researcher with a strong passion for history and nature. Through the years, he collected many tales and a great deal of lore about the river which persons of all ages find fascinating.

An outing with Chris Letts to the “river for all seasons” imbues a wonderful sense of the richness of the Hudson’s culture, history, and ecology. Be sure to join us on May 23 at 7:30 pm in the Gathering Room.

Kendal Photoshoot

Marketing Department Photoshoot

On Tuesday, June 7, and Wednesday, June 8, a photoshoot of the KoH community will take place under the auspices of the Marketing Department.

Residents are invited to participate in shoots and/or interviews. The creative team wants to capture residents engaged in unposed activities which highlight their life at Kendal.

If you wish to participate, please choose from the time slots below:

Tuesday, June 7 or Wednesday, June 8, 9 am – 12 noon or 1 pm – 4 pm.

Contact Kristen Cognetta, Marketing Coordinator

Saturday (and Sunday) Opera

Kendal’s In-House opera presentations continue.

Richard Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nűrnberg will be shown in two parts on Saturday, May 21, and Sunday, May 22, because of the opera’s length.

The Bayreuth Festival production from 2017 by Australian Barrie Kosky is noteworthy not only because Kosky was the first Jewish director working in Bayreuth, but also because his concept combines Wagner’s late 19th century, the libretto’s 16th, and a 20th-century Nűrnberg courtroom, in which Nazi war criminals were tried. Both parts begin at 1:00 pm in the Gathering Room.

Masks are optional.