A Kendal Mystery . . .

There is a strange phenomenon going around the halls of Kendal these days. A mysterious entity is — by stealth and secrecy — awarding the A.B.C.D. (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) Award to various (admittedly deserving) members of our Kendal community. Who can this person be?! Is it, indeed, a person? Could it be some being from a distant planet who looks down among us and, finding a virtuous and deserving person, proclaims (in an echoey voice, of course) the virtue of said Kendalite, and then makes its unearthly way through the universe to post this statement (framed even!):

Cynthia, being an A.B.C.D.-type of Kendalite, cannot rest until she can send her benefactor an appropriate response. Ergo! She has asked Res Web to release the following statement:

Whoever you may be, I want to thank you for your acknowledgment of my work for the Kendal residents; it’s done with joy, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Cynthia Ferguson