Click here for the known Kendal on Hudson concert schedule for the rest of 2016 in the Calendar of Events, under the INFO section of the website.
Click here for the new Help page that has been added to the INFO section, containing links to a number of helpful resources, including a Handout Prepared for the Welcoming Committee to give new residents providing a substantive overview of what’s in the KOH Resident Website, the “Guide to Using the KOH Resident Website,” a text “map” showing the structure of the content in the KOH Resident Website, a “Tree Diagram” showing the organization of the content in the KOH Residents' Website, and a “Search Guide for Residents' Website” suggesting terms to use when searching for and finding what you want on the website. There is also a link to the Computer Committee’s helpful activities and reference materials.
There are several video clips of the most recent Kendal Chorus Concert and photo slide shows of the recent Chorus Concert and Kendal Art Opening in Creating (under COMMUNITY LIFE), and of a Bird Watching group at Kendal in Sharing (under COMMUNITY LIFE).
There is also a brief video clip of a recent Bird Watchers outing in the Sharing section of COMMUNITY LIFE.
The “Resident Telephone and Voicemail Reference Guide” has been added to the Staff and Maintenance Page in the INFO section.
This NEWS section is updated several times a week.