New Trip


A new excursion has been announced by the ever-active Trips Committee.

On Wed, Nov. 14, a New York City “Do Your Own Thing” trip with drop-off at the Met Museum is planned. Since the van can only accomodate 12 residents, priority is given to those who have never or not recently taken this trip; no one-way trips, please.  Current Met exhibitions include “Delacroix,” “Dutch Masterpieces at the Met,” and “Art of Native America.”

The Committee also announced that there is a short wait list for the Nov. 7 trip to the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT; Docent tour of “Helena Hernmarck: Weaving in Progress”; also of “Domestic Plane: New Perspectives on Tabletop Art Objects.”  Swedish-born   Helena Hernmarck, an important contemporary artist, will be working at a five-foot wide loom and has 20 tapestries displayed.  “Tabletop Art Objects” has five sections with works by more than 70 artists: “Objects Like Us,” “Kitchen Arrangement,” “On Edge,” “Almost Everything on the Table,” and “Handheld.”

The Committee believes that there may be openings, so it pays to sign up and see what happens.

Please do not sign up for a trip unless you are willing to avoid making conflicting plans; if you do need to cancel, please cross your name off the list or wait list.  The Trips Book is in the Activities Alcove across from the Computer Room.