Recycling News


The place to return Bistro silverware, dishes, and reusable green containers is now in the room near the Bistro with the ATM machine. Deb Wood, Kendal’s Recycling Chair noted, “I still hear reports that the green containers are getting into the trash – not helpful! These are reusable.

“They are run through our dishwashing process, and then are available for the next person. Help keep us on track with recycling by requesting the green containers when you take food to your apartment from the Bistro. Not all residents find them easy to open, so those folks will continue to use the clear plastic containers. Those are recyclable. Rinse them, and put them into the bin in your trash room for CO-MINGLED recycling.

“The Recycling Committee has been busy checking the signage in all the trash rooms. We have completed the research and completed the refurbishing. If you find a problem with the signs or hook for plastic bags in your trash room, please let me know.

“Thanks for keeping recyclable materials out of our general trash stream. This not only contributes to ‘greening’ our environment, but also reduces the amount that Kendal needs to pay for having our trash hauled away.”

Needless to say, if you have questions please get in touch directly with Deb.