Kendal Voted

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Sleepy Hollow's 33rd Election District had its biggest turnout ever last Tuesday. Over 400 voters braved the rain to cast votes in the district that represents Kendal and Sleepy Hollow Manor. (That number doesn’t include many absentee ballots.)

As a result, we have a new State Senator Peter Harckham, and Francesca Hagadus was elected Councilwoman on the Mt. Pleasant Town Board.

Special thanks go to Rich and Eamon, our intrepid van drivers, who with José scheduled eight trips to the polls and back. Hats off also to Lorraine, Kendal's own Wonder Woman who, in addition to her many other duties, handled a slew of telephone inquiries from residents regarding rides. Thanks too, to many residents who generously volunteered to transport voters to and from Philipsburg Manor.

Martin Smolin and Annette Leyden did a yeoman’s task in organizing the operation.

Great job everybody. Get ready for 2020!