New Trip


The Trips Committee has another New York City Do Your Own Thing excursion, with drop off at the Metropolitan Museum, scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 12.

Priority is given to residents who have never or not recently taken this trip; no one-way trips. Some current Met exhibitions include “Delacroix,” “Dutch Masterpieces at the Met,” and “Art of Native America.”

You will be able to see the Met exhibitions or wander the fascinating sites of the great Gotham City. Whatever you choose, the Kendal van will take you back to Sleepy Hollow in time for another fabulous Bistro dinner. What could be better?

The Committee also wants you to know that there is a short wait list/space available for the Wed., Nov. 28 trip to the Hudson River Museum in Yonkers.

Sign-up for all trips is available in the Trips Book located in the Activity Alcove.