Fiber Arts Infant Hat Project

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The Fiber Arts Group has undertaken to knit infant hats which we donate to the Open Door Medical Clinic for use in their Baby Boxes.

Marilyn Bottjer, Group Chair noted, “In the 1½ years we have been doing it we have given 140 hats. However, our number of knitters has fallen drastically, so when I delivered the batch in early December I felt it would be the last, but I was met with such enthusiasm by the Volunteer Director and other women in the office in Ossining that I felt we should try to keep going. So if you are or have been or would like to learn to be a knitter and would like to participate in this, please call. We can provide directions, yarn and needles. The Fiber Arts Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month in the Craft Room from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. We engage in all kinds of fiber art along with knitting, but you don’t have to attend the meetings to knit baby hats.”

What a great project. Get your fingers moving - Call Marilyn.