Architecture and Columbus, Indiana

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Admit it! You always thought that the meaningful architecture in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles set the tone for all cities and suburbs throughout the nation. However, it didn’t for Columbus, Indiana.

The why and the what will be the subject of a Kendal Zoom Webinar: “Columbus, Indiana: How modern architecture has helped shape a small town’s future” on Monday, October 5, at 7:30 pm.

For over 70 years, Columbus, Indiana has been committed to using design to make a better community for all of its citizens. Will Miller, a special friend of Nancy and Hank Schacht, will tell the story of the architecture and its effects on the town, how it has come to both reflect the community’s sense of place and to shape it.

A leader in business, civic revitalization, and philanthropy, Will Miller became the second president of the Wallace Foundation in 2011 and is former chair of Irwin Management, a privately owned investment management firm in Columbus.

He co-chaired Vision 2020, a major civic investment initiative focused on rebuilding Columbus’ city center. He serves on the board of Cummins, Inc. In 2008 he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He holds a BA in English from Yale and an MBA from Stanford.

To attend this Webinar, residents will receive an email from Jeff O’Donnell, Saturday, October 3, inviting them to register. They should click on the link provided and enter first and last names, along with their email address.

Jeff informs us, “When you click Register, a new tab will open in your browser saying click the link below to join the Zoom Webinar. You will be reminded one day before and one hour before the lecture. Please click the link 15 minutes or so before the lecture, which will start at 7:30 pm. Your audio will be automatically muted, and your video will not be shown.”