The Quaker Connection Video Series

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Kendal on Hudson’s mission is to provide innovative programs and services to foster the autonomy and well-being of older adults in our community based on a value-driven commitment. Those values come directly from Quaker principles.

Our residents come from many different backgrounds and religious persuasions, so questions are frequently raised about Quaker life and beliefs. A recent video series answers many of the questions and explains how a Quaker values-rooted organization is unique. 

The Quaker Connection Video Series offers perspectives on living and working in an organization rooted in Quaker values, as told through conversations with lifelong Friends Jane Mack, President/CEO of Friends Service Alliance, and David Jones, retired Vice President of Development for The Kendal Corporation. 

Designed for board members, residents, clients and staff of Quaker values-aligned senior care providers, these short videos and their accompanying reflection questions explore the history, beliefs and practices of the Religious Society of Friends.

Click on links to view.

1. Quaker History and Beliefs: An Overview

2. Quaker Principles | SPICES

3. Quakers as Change Agents

4. Collaborative Decision Making Part 1: An Overview

5. Collaborative Decision Making Part 2: Role of Participants

6. Collaborative Decision Making Part 3: Role of Facilitator/Chair/Clerk

7. Quaker Values in the Lives of Our Organizations

8. Frequently Asked Questions about Quakerism