COVID Update

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As 2020 ends, Kendal’s residents continue to manage very well considering the difficulty of doing so under the dark cloud of the COVID pandemic.

The rigorous enforcement of common sense rules by both Management and the Residents Association have kept the community far safer than any one could have expected. In the last week one resident was confirmed as virus positive. An immediate 14-day quarantine was imposed. In addition, with virus tracing in effect, five other residents were also quarantined for the same period of time.

One other Resident is hospitalized at Phelps Hospital.

The Resident Independent Living community continues to dine in their own apartments without outside visitors or even fellow residents.

On the good side, Kendal residents in Clearwater (Skilled Nursing Facility) all received vaccinations as did many of the Kendal staff.

By and large, every possible safety measure is being taken. Considering the large number of residents at Kendal, the rules and regulations are keeping us safe for which we are all thankful.

Here are the links that Lisa Wacht mentioned in her Zoom meeting on COVID-19 last week:

Link to daily number of positive cases by County and Region, and 7-day rolling average of positivity: 

Link to look up an address and determine if it is in a “cluster zone”:

CDC website where COVID vaccine information may be obtained: