Farewell to 2020

goodbye 2020.jpg

While Kendal will not have a Farewell to 2020 holiday party, residents will have an opportunity to say goodbye in a serious and meaningful way.

On January 4 at 2:00 pm Kendal residents Deb Wood and Dorothy Muller invite fellow residents to join them for a contemplative farewell to 2020.

This has been a year like no other, presenting challenges as well as gifts. We will consider together what we are leaving behind and how we contemplate moving forward. The focus will be on three questions:

 What are we glad to leave behind?

 What gifts did 2020 offer that we will cherish?

 Given our experience in 2020, to what do we commit for 2021?

This get-together will take place on Zoom. In order to be part of it, you must register with Jordan DiPaolo.

Questions can be addressed to Deb or Dorothy.