Great Tours Program continues - September 19-20

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The Great Tours Program - Experiencing Medieval Europe - continues on Kendal Channel 1970, 3 pm to 4 pm on the following dates:

Saturday, September 19

Lecture 9: Avignon - The Babylonian Captivity. A feudal holding of the Angevins of Naples, Avignon became the seat of the popes between 1309 and 1377. This was the period of the Babylonian Captivity in which Avignon became the center of medieval Christendom.

Lecture 10: Avignon - Papal Splendor. We’ll walk through the Palais des Papes, then visit the second Jewish quarter, an area that bears witness to the rich but complex story of the Jews in this papal city.

Sunday, September 20

Lecture 11: Carcassonne - Fortress of the Languedoc. Carcassonne, an exquisite, romantic medieval walled city, looks the way it does because of one of the most terrible moments in the history of medieval Europe: The Albigensian Crusade.

Lecture 12: Carcassonne - Cathars and Crusaders. We will discuss the origins of the Cathars and learn how their fate became the fate of Carcassonne. We will then tour the Inquisition Tower and explore the Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire, ending with a walk through LaBastide.