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Kendal is known for its hospitality. It has a long history of working especially hard to welcome and integrate new residents. The coronavirus has made the task more difficult.

In March, because of the pandemic, Kendal’s Dining Room (FDR) was closed, and the wine and cheese receptions in the Residents Lounge were discontinued.  They had provided a wonderful opportunity to Meet and Greet new residents.

With the reopening of the Dining Room on September 9, it has become easier to entertain residents who moved in just before the close-down and those who arrived recently.  A dinner invitation is an excellent way to get to know our new neighbors and help them feel welcome and comfortable.

Anyone who would like to reach out may get a list of names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of new residents from Mary Lou Wells.

The Welcoming Committee hopes that many will enjoy getting to know our newer residents by inviting them to dinner.